febrero 2008.
Contenido bilingue, castellano e ingles.
1.-Editorial: .Peru demandando a Chile........ Por el Director Shafer
2.-Mas avistamientos de la UFONAV, por Outer Limit
3.-Cambios de gabinete a la hora undecima, Hitler, ......... por Nick Decker
4.-Hitler......por Leo Margulies.
5.- Los fans de Clark Carrados..........por Maria Pia.
6.- Noticias del mundo actual.........Por Abulia Gomez.
Editorial, por el Director Shafer.
Peru ha demandado a Chile en el tribunal de La Haya - quiere mas mar.
Y pues eso es todo; moverse para tener mas territorio maritimo, que le traeria mas ganancias por pesca de peces . De paso, pisarle los callos a Chile, pais que ya tiene sabida la idiosincracia leguleyesca y bizantina del pais de los Incas. Con mas decir, que el presidente Alessandri Palma estuvo varios annos trabajando con el asunto Tacna, para que despues todo quedara en la nada, ya que Peru considero que podia salir perdiendo !
Ahora es igual cosa; Peru no pierde nada con pedir, y si gana, sale riendose; y Chile, si pierde lo que es suyo (gracias a firmar acuerdos en que litigar no importa) tendra motivos de amargura por siglos de siglos. Y la cosa es grave; una demanda no es un gesto amistoso por parte de nadie, y menos si lo hace todo un pais.
Se dice que si gobernara la Derecha todo seria mas dificil para Peru; y quizas asi lo sea, pues es de esperar que Pinera, y no la Concertacion, gobierne en el futuro . Eso si, es dificil, ya que aparentemente los chilenos alegan en contra del gobierno, pero a la hora de votar, votan por el mismo conglomerado que salio triunfante en 1990. Ojala quieran ahora dejar de pensar en negocios y gananciales, y piensen en el futuro de Chile, al que deseamos todos sea mas grande y poderoso con cada mes que pase.
2.- Mas avistamientos de la Ausfornav, por Outer Limit
27.06.03 POWRANNA, TAS 0545hrs (CE1)
El testigo iba en camino a su trabajo en una manana clara, e inicialmente vio un relampagear de un vehiculo que se aproximaba en la ladera siguiente. Miro por el espejo retrovisor y la larga franja tras el estaba desierta. De pronto, vio una luz azul por el espejo retrovisor a menos de ciento cincuenta metros detras. Miro hacia atras sin el espejo, y vio una esfera de un metro de diametro elevada a un metro del suelo. El vehiculo que venia en direccion contraria paso a su lado, en ese momento. Miro hacia atras, y no vio la luz azul !
Sin embargo, varios kilometros mas adelante vio una luz azul viniendo desde la curva y moviendose rapido hacia la trasera de su vehiculo. Bajo la velocidad a 80 km p hora ,a ver si la luz le sobrepasaba, pero se mantuvo detras. Giro el auto en la siguiente bifurcacion, y miro hacia atras, pero ya no habia nada.
JULIO 2003 nr.GAWLER, SA 2000hrs (NL)
En julio mientras visitaba a un amigo aproximadamente a las 21 horas de un jueves por la noche, nos dimos cuenta de que habian luces rojas en el cielo estrellado. Vivimos en el sur de Australia cerca de Gawler, y las luces estaban en la parte norte del cielo, sobre nosotros (mas 3 ninos nuestros).No se veian aviones volando hacia ni desde la cercana Base Edinburgo cercana, los objetos estaban estacionados en el cielo. Fui a buscar mi videocamara y logre tomar 4 minutos de ese avistamiento de los objetos.
08.07.03 LEGANA, TAS 2120hrs (NL)
Several people were out for an evening walk when a bright area of light was noticed on a group of nearby trees; the source of the light was not evident at this time. Soon after a bright round orange light was seen to the south-east, the light looked to be about 3 times an average star size. The silent light was stationary for several minutes at a 35 degree elevation. Then it started to move slowly away to the south towards Launceston gaining elevation as it receded into the distance. In a few minutes it was twice as high in the sky and was lost from sight. Keith Roberts TUFOIC.
Varias personas habian salido a caminar por la tarde, cuando una brillante zona de luz se noto cerca de un grupo de arboles; la fuente de la luz no fue evidente en ese momento. Poco despues una luz circular anaranjada fue vista hadcia el sud este, laluz se vio tres veces mas grande que una estrella de tamano normal. La silenciosa luz estuvo estacionaria por varios minutos con una elevacion de 35 grados. Luego comenzo a moverse lentamente hacia el sur, hacia Launceston,ganando elevacion a medida de que se alejaba en la distancia. En pocos minutos estaba al doble de altura en el cielo y se perdio de vista.
27.07.03 BRISBANE (DINMORE), QLD 1445hrs (DO)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 030....) I had just come back from shopping when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a bright light in the sky. I stopped turned around for a better look and watched the object for around five minutes.
The object was grey metallic in colour the size of a small pea at arms length. She rang the Brisbane control tower but they were not keen to comment. Witness said she thought it may have been a plane with its lights on but ruled that out when the object stayed in the same position for five minutes. Witness said the object just suddenly vanished. Still under investigation. Diane Harrison AUFORN
Volvia de compras cuando me di cuenta de que habia una luz brillante en el cielo, y la estuve viendo por cinco minutos. El objeto era grisaceo y del color de una arveja a la distancia del brazo estirado. El testigo llamo a la torre de control de Brisbane pero ellos no quisieron comentar sobre esto. El testigo dijo que habia creido que era un avion pero como se mantuvo por cinco minutos estacionario, no podia ser avion. Dijo que luego se desvanecio la luz.
28.07.03 BRISBANE (REDLAND BAY), QLD 1845hrs (Possible Meteorite)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 03052) Mark saw bright light like a star in the sky in the North East position, it got bigger and bigger then developed a tail, then when it got to about tree height it broke into orange bits and disappeared. Jan Stone AUFORN QLD
Mark vio una luz brillante como una estrella en posicion nor este, creciendo hasta versele una cola, luego crecio tres veces de tamano y estallo en pedazos anaranjados y desaparecio.
15.08.03 BLUE MOUNTAINS, NSW 0130hrs (NL)
(Source: E-mail Report via AUFORN@yahoogroups.com 15.08.03) Phillip couldn't sleep due to toothache so he decided to get up and go outside to do some sky gazing. To his surprise he saw what looked like an orb like object shrouded in an yellow-white light moving slowly from West to East. At first he tired to identify it by known objects that he knew of but couldn't. The he thought he might be looking at a meteor but it moved fair to slow. Then he thought it was a plane but it had no flashing lights and was far to high and stayed to long.
Phillip no dormia ya que tenia dolor de muelas, y salio fuera de la casa a mirar las estrellas, y vio un orbe que tenia luz amarilenta moverse de oeste a este. No pudo identificarlo como avion, ya que tampoco tenia las luces correspondientes.
But what he thought was really strange about the object was it left a strange yellow orange trail behind it. which hung for some time, some what like a contrail but it glowed.
Dejaba una estela amarillenga, que brillaba.
Phillip said: "I thought I was looking at a florescent light glob just floating in the sky because that's what the trail looked like". "It was really strange I've never seen anything like this before so I thought I'd better tell someone."
Pillip dijo: Pense que era un globo fluorescente viajando por el cielo porque dejaba esa estela. ERa muy extrano y nunca vi antes alto asi y por ello lo estoy contando."
Duration of sighting approximately 1.15hrs Object size: As big as Mars right now.
Duracion del avistamiento 1.15 hrs.
Phillip no podia dormir por dolerle las muelas y decidio salir fuera de la casa a mirar el cielo.Para su sorpresa vio una esfera envuelta en luz blanco amarillenta moviendose lentamente de Oeste a Este. Al comienzo trato de identificar el objeto comparandolo con objetos conocidos, pero no hallo con que. Cree que no era un meteoro, por lo lenta de la trayectoria. "Era super raro y nunca habia visto nada igual antes asi es que pense que era mejor contarselo a alguien."
Duracion del avistamiento : 1.15 hrs. Tamano del objeto: del tamano del planeta Marte a ojo desnudo.
22.08.03 SYDNEY (PENRITH), NSW 2220hrs (CE1)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 03057?)
Phil and his wife Janet live in south Penrith. On the Friday night on 1st August at 9.24pm they noticed a bright object coming from the southwest slowly cruising towards their residence (1) at 10 Gymea Pl, Jamison Town (eastward). Phil panicked, as he had never seen anything like it. Apparently the object appeared to be engulfed in flames. They thought it was a passenger plane on fire so he ran in and alerted his friend/neighbour called 000 and spoke to the local police station. An
Phil y su esposa janet viven en South Penrith, y el viernes noche 1 agosto a las 21.24 hrs. vieron un objeto brillante viniendo desd el sud oeste hacia su casa de 10 Gimea Pl., pueblo de Jamison (este). Pensaron que era un avion incendiado asi es que corrieron a avisarle a un vecino y llamaro a la policia.
officer did visit the residence approximately an hour after the event. The anomaly was no passenger plane. He grabbed his video camera and checked to see if it was ready to function; blank tape, battery pack _ chargedŠ ready to go. He stormed outside only to discover that the aircraft was now hovering silently above them. No sound from the alleged flames was heard. Phil use to work for the air force as a cook and apparently is quite familiar about 'what's up there', in a conventional sense. Outside and Phil tried to activate his camera, but it was a 'no-go' situation. He couldn't figure out why! So Phil, his wife and neighbour just stood there in awe watching this anomaly hover in total silence. Phil said, "I just knew that they came to watch us and no one else. I don't think
un oficial les vino a ver como a la hora. Trato de sacar filme pero la maquina no le funciono.Cree que fue algo que les vino a espiar y nada mas.
anyone else saw it for that reason". He described it as if it was on fire, bright orange, circular and the size of a 'rockmelon' at arms length. According to Phil, it was quite large. The spectacle only lasted for around 2 minutes before the object slowly made its way east (2), towards the freeway while gaining altitude. But grand finale was yet to come. The object then stopped some distance away and began to 'circle' twice in midair. This rapid change in the objects behaviour was
y cree que por eso no lo vio nadie. Dijo que tenia la forma de un melon naranja brillante, circular y grande. Duro todo dos minutos y se alejo hacia el este, tomando altitud, y luego dio unos giros por dos veces .
totally unexpected. This circular motion before may have been scintillation. The three individuals had their eyes glued on the event, carefully watching every detail. This sudden manoeuvre ended with the object remaining stationary for a few seconds, and then vanished towards the north at an incredible speed (3), i.e. the anomaly flashed off from point in the sky and appeared virtually instantaneously in a different section of the sky (approximately 60 degree angle of travel from south to north).
Luego se detuvo y se fue hacia el norte muy rapido, con un salto increible.
Phil said, "It was like when you turn the lights off. The object, now at least _ of its original size due to the distance then hovered in the northern region for approximately 2 minutes before slowly ascending towards southeast (4). They shortly lost line of sight due to the obstructing trees.
Apparently the object then reappeared on 22nd August at 9.04pm. This time is was much further away, size of a 50-cent coin at arms length. It came from the lower mountains (southwest). At first Phil thought it was a helicopter. But it stopped and hovered the same way it did 3 weeks earlier. This time Phil was armed with a functioning video camera and was able to obtain few minutes footage. It was bright orange and this time only hovered for a few seconds. It then moved towards the Leagues Club (Northwest) and disappeared out of line of sight.
El objeto volvio el 22 agosto a las 21.04 horas, pero mas lejos, y pudo grabar el objeto . Era naranja y solo se mantuvo visible por pocos segundos. Luego se fue hacia el nor oeste.
Phil contacted the authorities and a lady officer did come out to watch the footage. She said that it did appear to be a UFO and suggested that he should get in touch with the 'UFO people'.
I visited Phil and Janet on 8th September and watched the footage taken of the second sighting. Unfortunately due to the cameras minimal light sensitivity and instability it provides no direct evidence of the anomalies characteristics other than being a white circular 'blob' in a dark background. Attila Kaldt UDOSWS
La luz que se ve en el video no sirve para identificar el objeto.
26.08.03 BENDIGO, VIC 2340hrs (NL)
(Source: E-mail Report via AUFORN@yahoogroups.com 27.08.03)
I went outside to smoke. I study the night sky and am used to seeing the variety of lights evident in the night sky. Last night Tues 26th Aug 03, at 11.40 0pm, I saw a very strange light the like of which I have never seen before.
Sali a fumar y mire al cielo, dia martes 26 agosto 2003, 23.40 horas. Luz que se aceleraba y viajaba a velocidades muy altas.
It was not a commercial flight (I know their times and flight paths) it was not a meteor (it was visible for much longer than the flash of a meteor) It was not a satellite (it did not have the constant linear arc of a satellite) I saw a flashing light in the northerly direction at about 20 degrees.
Nothing strange about that. It was travelling at a very very high speed, which was strange. It was in my estimation at a very very great height, which was also very strange.
So I studied it. It was immediately obvious that it was a different light to anything else I have seen it was faint and I must say, difficult to watch with the naked eye. I have a Telescope, but I would not have been able to track it because of the speed at which it was travelling. I did not believe I had time to get my binoculars as I thought I may lose track of it.
This is the strangest part.
The flashing light, travelling at high speed suddenly darted forward at an even greater speed, so great that the flashing disappeared, then it appeared again well forward from where it disappeared, back to its original but still high speed. It continued to do this darting (for want of a better word) forward for all the time it was visible to me. Peter
(Source: Knox Leader 09/09/2003)
The Boronia Heights Neighbourhood Watch group is dedicated to keeping the streets free of crime. Nowhere in its charter does it mention keeping an eye out for beings from outer space.
El grupo de vecinos Altos de Boronia es un grupo que mantiene vigilancia de calles para prevenir delicuencia, y el 27 de agosto vieron luces en el cielo . El presidente Frank Gilbert fue uno de los 30 que vio eso.
But perhaps that should be included after its monthly meeting at Boronia Heights Primary School on August 27 was interrupted by a series of strange lights in the sky. President Frank Gilbert was one of about 30 in the group who saw the lights.
Hay que agregar que en la primaria de Boronia Heigths ,agosto 27, una reunion fue interrumpida al verse luces en el cielo.
"Some kid had stuck a key in the lock of the hall door and we couldn't unlock it, so we had to have the meeting outside in the cold," Mr Gilbert said.
"Then someone said 'look up there' and we saw this series of lights coming from the north-west. "They came in at a high speed in a group and then they stopped in a straight line. There was no sound coming from them. Nobody was worried, nobody made mention of UFO's or any being from outer space, but they were all interested "
ERan luces que venian del nor oeste, y a gran velocidad que luego se detuvieron en linea; no se escuchaban ruidos; nadie se preocupo, pero todos estaban interesados.
"The lights remained in the sky for about 15mins. Mr Gilbert said he was still unsure of what exactly it was he saw. "They were orange lights, but they weren't helicopters because they tend to have two lights underneath," he said. "I didn't see them disappear, the cloud just rolled in and covered them up so they must have been high up." Clive Edmead
Las luces permanecieron estaticas por 15 minutos, y fueron tapadas por nubes que pasaban.
09.09.03 BORALLION, nr LOWOOD, QLD 2040hrs (CE1)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 030....)
Louise called to say she had seen a UFO on her way home from shopping last week while driving up the Brisbane valley highway towards Lowood.
Luisa llamo para decir que veia un OVNI cuando iba a su casa despues de compras ,la semana pasada mientras viajaba por el valle de Brisbane hacia Lowood.
Time was 8.40 pm approximately. A las 20.40 horas.
Louise said the object was enormous it had a black base and it just covered the entire road. Louise relates back to an object she saw some years ago on the same stretch of road while driving home with her husband and children. A box shaped UFO with a search light on the front and red lights down the side it to also appeared on the same stretch of road.
Luisa dijo que el objeto era enorme ,tenia una base negra y ocupaba toda la carretera. Dijo que antes habia visto tambien un objeto en el mismo sector de carretera cuando viajaba a casa con su esposo e hijos. Era Un objeto con forma de caja con un foco delantero y luces rojas a los lados
Louise rang not only to report the UFO from last week but also to inform me her twin sister who Louise consider a skeptic rang her to say "sis your not going to believe this but I saw a UFO while on my way home from work at 8.30 pm Tuesday night". Tracy told Louise she saw the same object over the Borallon area as Louise saw a week ago.
Luisa dijo que una persona la llamo por telefono diciendo diciendo que habia visto un OVNI a las 20.30 horas en su viaje a casa. Tracy (la persona que la llamo) dijo que habia sido en el mismo sector en que Luisa tuvo su avistamiento.
21.09.03 KINGSTON, TAS 0200-0500hrs (NL)
A lone witness was watching the southern sky when he noticed a very bright light low down, he realised that it was slowly gaining elevation in the sky. After about half an hour it was higher overhead. It had changed more to a teardrop shape with a glowing perimeter with a bright light on the top. This object moved around a bit in a confined area until near 5am when it looked to go straight up and disappear in a matter of seconds. Keith Roberts TUFOIC.
Un testigo solitario estaba mirando el cielo sureno cuando vio una luz brillante elevandose desde el horizonte, y tras media hora estaba sobre el. Tenia forma de gota con un perimetro de luz brillante en la parte alta. Pronto estuvo fuera de la vista del testigo.
22.09.03 COPPING, TAS 2300hrs (CE1)
A motorist travelling home to Hobart on the Arthur Highway noticed a nright light mass to the North West. The witness slowed the car down to a halt and wound down the window for a clearer view of the object. A box shape was visible low over a hill ahead; it was outlined by a yellow/white flowing line of light around the box's perimeter. The object was in view for 30 seconds before it rose vertically at great speed and was gone in a few seconds. It moved so fast it was like watching a line of light, then a distant star that dwindled to nothing. Keith Roberts TUFOIC.
Un AUTOMOVILISTA motorista viajando hacia la carretera Arturo desde Hobart, noto un aluz hacia el nor oeste. BAJO LA velocidad y se detuvo para ver por una ventana al objeto, que era blanco amarillento y volaba . Se fue a gran velocidad en direccion hacia lo alto, en pocos segundos.
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 03142)
Fran lives at Proserpine, on 24th October 2003 early evening, Fran and her daughter, were sitting on balcony and saw a orange light coming towards them, it was about the height of a Aircraft but she said it was not one.
Fran said as it came towards her it got bigger and bigger till it was about the size of a cup, it stopped for a little while and then changed direction and disappeared. She said that it looked like a ball out of shape.
Fran vive en Proserpine, y el 24 de octubre 2003 en la tarde; Fran y su hija estaban sentadas en el balcon y vio una luz naranja viniendo hacia ellos, era del tamano de un avion de pasajeros.
Additional Information:
The above was was how Fran described the sighting, she could not tell me the direction it was travelling or speed.
Fran got her husband to bring the video camera and they took a video of it. She is under the impression that you can see sort of windows in the orange ball on the video, however she told me that was only when you zoomed in on the video camera. Jan Stone AUFORN QLD.
Su esposo tomo un video, y cree que se ve una linea de ventanillas en la bola anaranjada , al haberle hecho un acercamiento.
01.11.03 SYDNEY (HILLS DISTRICT), NSW 0630hrs (DO)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 03147)
On 1st November around 6.30am he witnessed a bright contrail against a red dawn sky. He said that saw the object creating it, which he sighted for around 20 minutes. He had never seen anything like it so he thought it wise to report it just in case. What he saw was a high altitude aircraft, possibly military. Attila Kaldy UFOSWS
El 1 de noviembre vio un contrail a las 18.30 horas sobre un cielo rojizo . Cree que la nube fue formada por el contrail. Dijo que paso un avion posiblemente de las FFAA. de Australia.
11.11.03 CULLEN GULLY (nr. WAGGA WAGGA), NSW 0145hrs (Identified as a Meteor)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 03152)
Alan is a truckdriver from Mildura in Victoria who drives interstate. He was driving in Cullen Gully near Wagga Wagga at 1:45am last Saturday along with 5 other trucks. He saw something he described as like a falling star, but it was an unusual colour. It was a bright green colour with a red tinge at the back. The whole sky lit up over Wagga Wagga for about 3-4 seconds.
This is quite consistant for a meteor, and as no other unusual activity was reported Meteor remains the most likely explanation. George Simpson AUFORN VIC
Alan es camionero de Mildura en Victoria que viaja entre estados. Viajaba por Cullen Gully cerca de Wagga Wagga a las 1.45 horas, el sabado junto a otros 5 camiones, cuando vio una estrella caer, pero de un color raro. Era verde brillante con un color rojizo en la parte posterior. Todo el cielo se ilumino sobre Wagga Wagga por 3 a 4 segundos.
14.11.03 MELBOURNE (BLACKBURN), VIC 2200hrs (NL)
(Source: 1800 Freecall National Hotline Number - Callin Code 03157)
Jenny and three other people observed an object. This object was quite large, bright and silent. It flew lower than a plane or helicopter, travelled from East to West, travelling very fast, 2 or 3 times faster than a plane. It was very round like a ball, and very bright, it was a white/ yellow colour.
Jenny y otras 3 pesonas vieron un objeto que era grande, brillante y silencioso. Volaba mas rapido que un avion o helicoptero. Viajaba de este a Oeste, rapido, 2 a 3 veces mas rapido que un avion. ERa redondo y brillante, amarillo blanquizco .
The observers discussed this object for quite some time and could not come up with any answers as to what the object might have been. George Simpson AUFORN VIC
Los observadores no pudieron ponerse de acuerdo en que era lo que vieron.
AUFORN, PO Box 738, Beaudesert, QLD 4285
Brad Mildern (Independent Investigator)
Gary Opit, e-mail: garyopit@bigpond.com
George Simpson AUFORN VIC, e-mail: Astrotypejim@aol.com
TUFOIC, PO Box 174, South Hobart TAS 7004
UFOSWS, PO Box 938, Ingleburn, NSW 2565
UFO Danger Zone : Terror & Death in Brazil
- Bob Pratt
Bob Pratt has spent over eighteen years researching the Brazilian UFO phenomenon. He has made eleven visits to a number of localities in the Brazilian countryside and investigated over two hundred cases, during which time he has interviewed over seventeen hundred people. The fruits of his labor are always intriguing, sometime frightening, and should give pause to those who would thoughtlessly maintain, without studying the complete score, that all our extraterresrial visitors are friendly and have out best interest at heart.
Bob Pratt ha pasado 18 annos de su vida investigando el fenomeno OVNI Brasilero, ha hecho 11 viajes a ver lugares de apariciones OVNI y ha entrevistado a 1700 personas. Los frutos de su labor son siempre interesantes, a veces atemorizante, y cree que los ET son amistosos y tienen los mejores deseos en su corazon .
They're Back
This week’s files cover: Hillary Clinton's Alien Inspiration. Japan's Leaders Believe in UFOs, Japanese Space Agency New photos of the Moon, Video Captures Dark Objects Moving Over the Moon, President Clinton enjoyed X Files Television, Mystery Space Machines, and Mars May be Hit by Asteroid
ESta semana : Hillary Clinton ,Inspiracion ET. Los lideres de Japon creen en los OVNIS, la Agencia Espacial japonesaentrego fotos de la Luna, video de objetos oscuros moviendose sobre la Luna.
El Pdte. Clinton gustaba de ver los ARchivos X por su TV .
Maquinas espaciales misteriosas, Marte podria ser impactado por un Asteroide.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena were spotted over: California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, and Texas. UFOs were also seen in Argentina, Australia, Canada, Columbia, Germany, Mexico, Poland, Republic of Ireland, and the UK.
Objetos aereos no identificados fueron vistos en California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Nueva Jersey, Nueva York, Carolina del Norte, Ohio, Tejas. OVNIS fueron vistos tambien en Argentina, Australia, Canada, Columbia, Alemania, Mejico, Polonia, irlanda, y el RU.
These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over one hundred UFOs reported each week represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. One third of Americans believe the earth has been visited by UFOs and nearly one in ten people claim to have had close encounters with alien life forms!
Estos archivos asumen que la vida ET no solamente existe, sino que mi hipotesis (Filer) es de que cien OVNIS son avistados cada semana y representan tecnologicamente avanzados navios espaciales que estan supervisando la Tierra. Un tercio de los gringos cree que la Tierra ha sido visitada por OVNIS y cerca de uno en diez personas dice haber tenido encuentros cercanos con vidas ET.
(Ni parecido que en Chile, no ? Parece que no les interesan los indios!)
I personally became interested in UFOs when I chased one over England when flying for the US Air Force. I've been investigating them ever since. The US Air Force under Project Blue Book investigated UFOs for more than twenty years, we continue this research.
personalmente me he interesado en OVNIS desde que trate de alcanzar a uno sobre Inglagerra cuando volaba para la FFAA de EEUU., y he estado investigando desde entonces. La FFAA deEEUU investigo a los OVNIS a traves del proyecto Libro Azul, y nosotros seguimos haciendolo.
The Bible states, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you." John 14-2. It is my belief that God has spread intelligent civilizations throughout the universe.
Hillary Clinton's Alien Inspiration
HILLARY Clinton the former First Lady was declared the winner in the New Hampshire primaries. She wants to take America back to the movie references of the 1990's. Sen. Hillary Clinton has raised the specter of world unity."Remember that movie 'Independence Day,' where invaders were coming from outer space and the whole world was united against the invasion?" she asked at a campaign event Saturday. "Well, why can't we be united on behalf of our planet?" In 1996, Bill Clinton mused about the movie, saying Americans could beat the aliens. "Yes, I think we'd fight them off. We'd find a way to win. That's what America does - we'd find a way to win if it happened." Thanks to the New York Post. http://www.nypost.com/seven/12172007/news/nationalnews/kerreys_praise_of_barack_a_big_o_bombo_445748.htm
La Inspiracion ET de Hillary Clinton.
La Primera Dama Hillary Clinton declaro en el invierno en las primarias de Nueva Hampshire. Dijo que queria que America (toda ?) hiciera recuerdos de las referencias a peliculas de 1990. La Senadora Hillary Clinton elevo el espectro de un mundo unido. "REcuerden la pelicula DIA DE LA INDEPENDENCIA , CUANDO los invasores venian del espacio exterior y todo el mundo se unia contra esa invasion ? " Pregunto en el evento de campanna el dia sabado. "Bien, por que no podemos unirnos en pro del planeta ? " En 1996 , Bill Clinton hablo sobre esa pelicula, diciendo que los EEUU podian derrotar a los ET. "Si, creo que podemos vencerles, hallaremos el modo de ganarles. Eso es lo que hace EEUU, hallar el modo de ganar si eso sucede."-
Japanese Space Agency New photos of the Moon
The Japanese Salene-Kaguya explorer provides High Definition video of the moon. JAXA (Japanese Space Agency) has released High Definition video showing 3D image around the moon's DYSON crater and anomalous white lines. These are part of the ongoing releases from the Salene probe that is currently in lunar orbit.
El explorador espacial Salene Kaguya envio senales de TV de alta definicion desde la luna. JAXA, la Agencia Espacial japonesa, entrego videos de alta definicion mostrando imagenes en 3 dimension alrededor del crater Dyson en la luna, con lineas blancas anomalas. Esta es parte de una entrega que se esta llevando a cabo desde el vehiculo lunar que esta ahora circulando el satelite.
Video Captures Dark Objects Moving Over the Moon
Observers using high powered telescopes have regularly captured large objects moving cross the moon. Additionally, astronomers for decades have reported various lights on the moon.
El video captura objetos oscuros que se mueven en la luna.
Observadores usando poderosos telescopios han fotografiado varias veces grandes objetos moviendose a traves de la luna. Adicionalmente, los astronomos por decadas han avisado de luces sobre la luna.
Japan's Defense Chief Mulling Action if UFO's Attack
As a Japanese satellite circles the Moon, Japan may be finding evidence that extraterrestrial visitors exist. Several top Japanese government spokesman claim they personally believe in UFOs.
El Jefe de la Defensa Japonesa pide acciones si los OVNIS atacan.
Mientras un satelite japones orbita la luna, Japon puede estar recibiendo evidencia de que existen visitantes de OVNIS en ese lugar. VArios altos funcionarios japoneses del gobierno han dicho que creen en la existencia de OVNIS.
It is a fact that politicians in almost any country face ridicule and laughter by making statements about UFOs, therefore it is reasonable to assume these leaders have additional inside knowledge that will eventually will be announced.
Es un hecho de que los politicos en casi todas las naciones enfrentan el ridiculo y la burla si hacen declaraciones sobre OVNIS, por lo tanto es racional pensar que los lideres de Japon tienen mas conocimientos sobre el caso , que podria ser mas tarde dado a conocer.
Shigeru was first elected member of the House of Representatives in July 1986, and a served for five terms in total, up to the present. He has an excellent record as Senior State Secretary for Defense from December 2000 to January 2001, and Senior Vice Minister for Defense January 2001 to April 2001, and he was promoted to Minister of State for Defense since September 2001.
Shigeru fue elegido miembro de la CAsa de Representantes en julio 1986, y ha servido por cinco periodos en total, hasta el presente. Tiene excelente registro como Secretario de EStado para la Defensa, desde Dic. 2000 hasta enero 2001, y Vice MInistro ejecutivo para la defensa desde enero 2001 hasta abril 2001, y ha sido promovido a Ministro de EStado para la Defensa desde Sept. 2001.
As the leader for Japan's Defense Shigeru Ishiba became the second member of the Cabinet to profess a belief in UFOs. Ishiba told reporters, saying it was his personal view and not that of the defense ministry that UFOs exist. Ishiba stated, 'He was looking at how Japan's military could respond to aliens under the pacifist Constitution. There are no grounds for us to deny that there are unidentified flying objects [UFOs] and some life-form that controls them."
Como lider de la Defensa de Japon, Shigeru Ishiba ha sido el segundo miembro del Gabinete en demostrar que creer en la existencia de OVNIS. Ishiba le dijo a los reporteros que declara esa creencia como persona, no como el Ministro de Defensa. Y agrego que el esta viendo como reaccionaria Japon a una invasion de ET. bajo la actual Constitucion Japonesa , que es pacifista. Dijo que no hay base para negar que pueden haber OVNIS y alguna clase de vida que los controla.
Ishiba, noted that, "Japan deployed its military against Godzilla in the classic monster movie and I'm examining different scenarios for an alien invasion, and what the legal grounds Japan could attack them." "If they descended and asked people of the Earth, let's make friends, it would not be considered an urgent, unjust attack on our country."Ishiba said. "And there is another issue of how can we convey our intentions if we don't understand what they are saying, we should consider various possibilities."
Ishiba dijo que "Japon despliega su poder militar contra Godzilla en las peliculas clasicas de monstruos, y esta examinando diferentes escenarios de una invasion alienigena, y cuales son las bases legales de Japon para atacarlos. "Si descienden y le preguntan a la gente de la Tierra si quieren ser sus amigos, no se consideraria urgente, ni un ataque contra la nacion. " - Dijo Ishiba- "Y hay otro asunto que pordia llamar nuestra atencion si no comprendemos lo que estan diciendo, podriamos considerar varias posibilidades."
Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura said last week,
"Personally, I absolutely believe they exist."
Japan Science Minister joins in on UFO debate:
Japan's Education and Science Minister Kisaburo Tokai said during a press conference held Friday, "I hope aliens exist, so children would become more interested in space," Japanese media reports.
“They exist, don’t they? It would be fun if they did,” Tokai said and became the third member of the Cabinet to make his views on UFOs official. “As long as it doesn’t scare people, I think it is fine to talk about UFOs,” Tokai was quoted as saying by the Yomiuri Shimbun. “There have been films like ‘ET.’ It might make children grow up with an interest in space.“
Editor's Note: We can speculate that these comments at this time would indicate that the Salene-Kaguya satellite or military radars had made some kind of contact with UFOs. Aircraft launched from Japan have been lost when encountering UFO in the past and key leaders appear to have UFOs on their mind.
President Clinton who enjoyed X Files Television
Grant Cameron writes, "It is a generally accepted fact within the UFO community that Bill Clinton had an interest in discovering the answer to the UFO puzzle. He had even sent his close friend Webster Hubbell to look into the UFO mystery. What many don’t know, however, is how open Bill and Hillary were about talking about the subject. They talked about UFOs and aliens at least 26 times on the record while in the White House. This was far beyond any presidential administration. Like Ronald Reagan, both Bill and Hillary Clinton expressed interest in the concept of an alien invasion. Reagan had spoken of the “alien invasion” half a dozen times while in the White House. The Clinton's would talk about it even more, and were sent these files.
The first time President Clinton brought up the idea of an alien invasion idea during an interview with Tom Brokaw of MSNBC. This interview, done on July 15, 1996, involved the just released movie “Independence day.” Clinton conveyed to Brokaw how much he had enjoyed the movie. "I loved it. I loved it and -- Mr. Pullman came and showed it. I thought he made a good president. And we watched the movie together, and I told him after it was over he was a good president, and I was glad we won. And it made me wonder if I should take flying lessons.[1] Interview of the President by Tom Brokaw of MSNBC, Office of the Press Secretary, July 15, 1996. The reception, dinner and premiere of the blockbuster movie Independence Day occurred in the White House on June 22, 1996.
During the interview, Brokaw took a question asking Clinton if he thought that we could actually win a war against the aliens if they were to attack America.
President Clinton replied, “Yes, I think we'd fight them off. We find a way to win. That's what America does -- we'd find a way to win if it happened.” The President then launched into a speech about the positive elements of an alien invasion.
The good thing about Independence Day is there's an ultimate lesson for that -- for the problems right here on Earth. We whipped that problem by working together with all these countries. And all of a sudden the differences we had with them seemed so small once we realized there were threats that went beyond our borders. And I wish that we could think about that when we deal with terrorism and when we deal with weapons proliferation -- the difference between all these others problems. That's the lesson I wish people would take away from Independence Day.[2]Thanks to Grant Cameron and http://www.presidentialufo.com/
Mars May be Hit by Asteroid
Chances appear to be slightly dwindling for an asteroid to hit Mars to about a 1 in 30 chance. Scientists hoped to watch the asteroid create a crater a half mile wide on Mars. It would create a Crater about the size of Meteor Crater into northern Arizona. The ejecta might reveal information on the sub surface of Mars and the amount of water hiding beneath the surface. NASA's MRO probe and its High-Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) camera would be in prime position for a Martian collision and be able to get an image down to three feet.
Mystery Space Machines Above Black Ops, Star Wars Or ET?
A young man by the name of John Lenard Walson has discovered a new way to extend the capabilities of small telescopes and has been able to achieve optical resolutions - at almost the diffraction limit - not commonly achievable. He is videotaping many strange and heretofore unseen machines, hardware, satellites, spacecraft and possibly space ships.
Jeff Rense has kindly allowed me to show you his world exclusive images. and videotape footage ©2007-2008 by John Lenard Walson. All Rights Strictly Reserved. This is story is "Reproduced With Permission "of Jeff Rense and John Lenard Walson.
Editor's Note: These objects in space may be alien space craft or belong to other nations. The International Space Station (ISS) is the only known unclassified large facility currently being assembled in space. These objects in space are similar to objects seen from the shuttle such as this one near Greenland.
California Photos
SAN DIEGO - On January 1, 2008, a California man reported that he had observed eight brightly lit yellow-orange unidentified flying objects while driving north on Interstate 5 at 12:30 AM. "I witnessed these strange lights moving towards the ocean." He added that there were "3 lights flying in a V-shape formation and that the rest followed in a straight line." The weather at that time was clear. The man reported that the UFOs were flying under cloud ceiling at approximately 30,000 feet in altitude. He said that these unknown objects were "strange" and that the lights were "coming from the east side, heading west." That would put the objects in a flight path over the Pacific Ocean.
Many UFO investigators have claimed that alien intelligence's have an underwater base somewhere off the coast. Some have suggested that this UFO base may lie due west of Catalina Island.Uforc.com received two other reports from the San Diego in December of 2007. Contact UFORC with any info. http://www.uforc.com/ufo_reports/SanDiego-CA_111207.htm Thanks to Christopher Montgomery, Director UFORC International Global Network, http://uforc.com/ufoap/
LA JOLLA -- We were leaving a New Years Eve Party, January 1, 2008, at 1 AM, and going to our car and we saw 7 orange disks, they looked like seven specks. They seemed really far away moving slowly. Took a picture. Have no idea what it was but it was a clear night.
HUNTINGTON BEACH -- While visiting family in California, my mother-in law, Linda spotted a dark cylinder shaped object in the sky just below the thick cloud ceiling on January 5, 2008, at 9:35 AM. Alerting me, I ran to my UFO kit and pulled out my binoculars. The object was dark in color, and resembled a "rough edged" 50 gallon drum. There were no cables holding it up. The object did not swing or sway, and did not seem to spin. There was no peculiar noise in the area. While going back to my kit to retrieve my camcorder, the 200 feet lower clouds masked the object, and from then on the object did not re-appear. We saw it for roughly 8 minutes.
Conclusion: UFO appeared to resemble a hanging probe-like object with no form of attachments protruding from it. The object did not appear to be a cluster of balloons, or a single balloon, but this theory cannot be ruled out. No other aircraft were present. Thanks to Chuck Zukowski www.ufonut.com UFO Field Investigator:
Colorado Gold Metal Object
On December 24, 2007, my husband and I were returning home about 7:30 PM, and we noticed what appeared to be a very bright star to the right of the full moon. I took a picture with my digital camera and when I zoomed in to the object it was not a star. I took a second picture thinking something might have been on my lens. The object appeared again except the shape was slightly different. It seemed to have moved around a bit. It looked like a gold metal object with legs. My husband said it reminded him of a chandelier. It had to be very large because the full moon did not drown it out. We watched it for about 15 minutes and then went inside the house because it was very cold. I don't know how long it was up there. I would appreciate any information as to what this object might be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Strange Disc
STUART - Pat phoned to report his sighting on December 30 2007. Pat was in his backyard looking over the panoramic view of the forest preserve behind his home, when he noticed a disc shaped craft at exactly 7 PM. Pat stated, "The object was thirty to fifty feet in diameter flying slowly moving from east to west over the St. Lucie Canal. He states, "I called my wife who also observed the object with two red flashing lights on the bottom of the craft." He observed, "The dome was oversized, while the main disc was metallic. It was gliding silently over the treetops; the crickets, birds were all quiet. After the craft went over all the dogs started to bark loudly for an extended period." I always knew there were UFOs on May 26, 2000, Pat was in Bethpage, New York and saw a craft hovering over the power lines. Thanks to Pat.
JUPITER INLET - I saw strange lights with light reflecting off the Atlantic Ocean.
I found this picture taken from a webcam on top of a condo facing Jupiter Inlet, Florida. Attached is the picture!! Thanks to MUFON CMS
Editor's Note: A very bright disc or cylinder shaped object is hovering above the water and is shining a bright light onto the surface of the ocean. It appears to be looking for something. I have been to this location. The above report a month later is only a few miles away to the north. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
Georgia Round/Elliptical.
BACONTON -- On January 1, 2008, at 6:30 AM, I was walking to my hunting location prior to sunrise on the edge of a wheat field, when I noticed a bright white light in the sky. The winds were calm, and the area was virtually silent. The light was traveling as a low flying airplane would, maybe a couple thousand feet. The object appeared to be ascending until it reached a few thousand feet. At that point, the object starting traveling from the south towards the north. The object traveled directly over my head and I looked at the object closely through my 12 x Swarovski hunting scope for 90 seconds as it flew out of sight to the north. The light was so bright that I couldn't really discern any details of the round object. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
Indiana Moving Light Photographed
CARLISLE -- Some county roads do not have numbers but are still maintained by the county. The date of my sighting was December 21, 2007. I used a camera phone: Verizon LG phone. I don't know the pixel density. I saw a reddish orange round light moving in a southwest direction at 10 PM. No sounds that I could hear over the sound of my jeep engine were emitted. The light was very quick. I could see it long enough to get a picture, then it was gone. The picture on the right was about 13 minutes later and lasted about 30 seconds.
Investigator's Notes: The cell phone camera used had a low pixel density. This hampers revelation of any further information through photo blowup. Increasing lighting and contrast did not reveal any new information. The streaking in the photo to the left could either be the movement of the light or camera movement. Given that the witness said that the light was moving rapidly would suggest that the streaking is due to the movement of the light. In a photo taken 13 minutes later the orange light does not show any streaking. Other lights also appear in this photo. I don't know the identity of the orange light. The weather conditions at the time of the photos suggest that the light was probably close to the observer and at a low altitude. Thanks to Bill Puckett UFOS Northwest http://ufosnw.com
New Jersey Flying Triangle
MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE -- Douglas Hornick writes, "My first sighting was as a 12 year old boy in Sleepy Eye, Minnesota in September 1974 about 7 PM, while riding my bike to a friend's house. I saw a slow moving light in the north sky traveling east to west. I stopped my bike and thought it's an airplane. At that moment the light dropped I would guess several hundred feet in a couple of seconds, stopped and continued on a westerly direction.
My second sighting was more recent when I was still in the Air Force then, stationed at McGuire AFB. I'm sure you are familiar with the base. It was June 2002 about 1:30 PM. I was a passenger in a car heading back to the 821st AMS building. We were on Broidy Road, just passed the RV storage lot, with a line of trees to my right and the approach end of runway 18 coming up on my left. Looking through the tree tops I spotted what I thought was a KC10 on approach. Knowing that in a few seconds it would pass in front of us, I looked forward to watch, but nothing passed over. (KC-10 on right)
I'm thinking what was taking that plane so long. I looked up at the trees again and it was still there. Strange. We then turned onto McDonald Ave at which point we passed behind the row of trees that was obscuring my view. I looked to my right and there was nothing. Even if a KC10 aborted a landing and would head in the direction of Cookstown, I would have been able to see it slowly moving off. There was nothing in the air in that part of the sky. The shape of the object would have to be triangular or delta shaped. I often thought how much a KC10, with the lighting just right, looks like a space shuttle coming in for a landing. A delta configuration would be a good description of what I saw and it was stationary over the open field behind the trees. Thanks to Douglas Hornick USAF retired
CAPE MAY COURTHOUSE - A bright flashing object was flying over the Garden State Parkway at 6:30 PM on Sunday, January 6, 2008. The light was similar to a strobe light and flashed about every twenty seconds. A few white lights could be seen on the craft when the strobe light dimmed. These do not seem to be standard navigation lights on object flying at 500 feet. Joseph Di Eduardo MUFON Investigator writes, at the same location he saw a similar craft while on lunch break spotting a bronze shaped disc on December 17, 2007, around noon.
New York Brightly Lit Orange Glowing Cylinder
GENEVA -- On December 29, 2007, at 7:28 AM, I had just gone outside to have a smoke and the orange glow of the sun was about to come up, when I noticed a brightly-lit orange glowing object in the gray skies. It was cylinder-shaped and it even glowed when it went under the patches of the dark gray clouds. It was traveling east and made no noise and left no trail behind it. I was able to see this thing for several minutes until it became a tiny speck in the eastern sky. I figure it was about 10,000 feet up and about two miles east of my home and it must've been very large and it was about the length of my index finger held at arm's length when I first noticed it.
I have had personal experiences with UFO's and abductions similar to those reported in Barnstaple, U.K." on Dec 25, 2007. She is seeing probes or spheres, something that scans an area and gathers data. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
North Carolina Video Enhancement Shows Flying Triangle
Tonight, on January 5, 2008, I saw the exact same object I saw on Friday above the mountain to the southeast of my front door. The video was focused on a star and I turned the digital camera to the right and picked up the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Giant Triangular Craft
NORTH CANTON -- I was on my way home from Christmas with the family at 6:45 PM, and I had this feeling to look up and I saw this light rather high in the sky much like a jet flying over on a clear night. However, it wasn't moving across the sky. It just stayed there in one spot. I thought to myself hmm: Funny how one could just drive right past a UFO and even look at it. I just kept on driving as if it were just a jet airplane. Then this light in the sky became a giant triangular craft and it was more to the front than directly over me. Flash I can't describe it, On the initial flash of this craft I felt a weird vibrating feeling, like someone dipped my whole body in an ultra sonic cleaner or something. I felt like waves from every frequency hitting me all at once, but moreover I could feel time itself slowing down.
It felt like they knew it was affecting me, but they didn't mean to get that close as they instantly raised the craft up to somewhere between 1000 to 3000 feet and the feeling disappeared. Now I felt really lucid or kind of like jet lag. I turned right onto Applegrove Street as the object hovered for 5 to 8 seconds and then flew down a tree line on Railway Avenue. I finally fumbled around and got my cell phone out and snapped a photo just towards end of the street. I lost track of it over the trees and continued north. If it wasn't alien, I hope it was ours. (USA).
Investigator's Notes: The witness has described many strange sensations in association with his sighting. The photo does show a "lighted area" in the shape of a boomerang and some additional lights. The trees mentioned by the witness also show up in the photo. It is not believed that the photo has been edited and therefore not likely a hoax. Perhaps this is a real photo of one of the many boomerang shaped craft that have been sighted during the past several years? Thanks to Bill Puckett UFOS Northwest http://ufosnw.com
Navio triangular gigantesco en Ohio, EEUU.
Canton norte. Iba hacia mi casa en Pascuas con la familia a las 18.45 horas, vi hacia arriba y vi una luz en el cielo como un avion .No se movia, estaba en el mismo lugar. Luego esa luz se transformo en un triangulo gigante y apuntando hacia la misma direccion en que iba mi auto. Un relampago de luz me llego, y senti mi cuerpo como bajo una corriente ultrasonica. Ese objeto se elevo a mil o 3000 pies y desaparecio ese efecto en mi. Gire hacia la calle Apolegrove y el objeto se mantuvo alla arriba por 5 u 8 segundos, y se fue. Saque una foto con mi celular y se ve una luz en el cielo entre arboles.
FOSTORIA - George Ritter takes video of the UFOs near his home and this is a still image of a disc taking off from a nearby field. Thanks to George Ritter
Texas Spherical Object Glowing A Dark Red
DELEON - On December 20, 2007, at 6:30 AM, I was returning from work on the graveyard shift at the Sheriff's Department in Eastland, Texas just as the sun barely rose to see a beautiful orange horizon so I decided to admire what the gods have given us. At that moment I saw a spherical object glowing dark red with faint orange color what I assume were running lights around it. From what I observed it was a distance away and it traveled low along the horizon from east to west for almost a minute not moving very fast, then suddenly it just kind of disappeared. I do not believe it was a known aircraft as I have had much training in observation and attention to detail due to my military experience. I've had the opportunity to witness all types of aircraft in many different states of flight thanks to my tour in Iraq. A few months before I had sent you a report of a silver sphere in the same area. I am beginning to wonder if these events are related. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director HBCC UFO Research.
AUSTIN - When I was taking these pictures on January 4, 2008, I took them in groups of 5. All of the pictures I have sent you over the past year have mostly always been from the same area of flight path near Bergstrom Airport. It is amazing that I continue to get these unidentified objects in them. There is a plane going through on the left, but I have been pretty good about always making sure there are no birds or no other unidentified objects in my pictures. What does not make any sense are the small black objects that are able to pop in and out of pictures. They defy physics as we know it. We do not know of anything that can fly the way these things do. These objects are either able to increase speed in a second pop in and take off or they are able to pop into the picture and do a 180 and get out of the pictures. I have been getting these black objects and disc shaped objects for a while now non-stop. I have a pretty big library of pictures of these types of objects. These things exist but what are they? Look above the white funnel cloud near the middle of the picture, there is a disc. Thanks to Michael
Argentina UFO Filmed
CORDOBA -- I was on vacation taking a series of images to compose a panorama and didn't see the UFO and was surprised to see it later on the picture.
Based on the data between this and the previous picture, the object was seen less than eight seconds. It was moving fast, but it made no noise. I probably didn't see it because this picture was taken with optical zoom. Shutter speed 1/1250 ISO 80. The event location was Cordoba state, near the extinct volcanoes zone, unpopulated place, 31°21S 65°10'40"W in a NNW direction. Cordoba state is well known for UFO sightings. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canadian Sightings Continue
OSHAWA -- Paul Shishis writes, "I wanted to share a picture taken on September 4, 2005 from my home facing south. The three objects fit the profile of the crop circle and comet 17 P Holmes. Check out the resemblance of my picture, unexpected burst of the comet picture in Filer's # 50.
SCARBOROUGH -- I have another photo to share, taken on December 28, 2007, after 12:30 PM, northwest of my work place. I’m speculating the possibility of either ET, or the military are using probes to monitor the area. I used my Olympus C-725, to capture this unknown anomaly. We are in FACT not alone. Thanks to Paul Shishis
GRANISLE, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- More witnesses are coming forward on the strange activity starting November 29, 2007, and continuing everyday between 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. Above and around Babine Lake there are unbelievably weird things going on, and I have lived in this town for almost 15 years, never before have I believed or wanted to believe in "extra terrestrials, or UFOs", but lately, I've seen things, lights in the sky, and shadows of abnormal things. I believe I've seen more than just UFOs.
There is another family here in Granisle that I'm good friends with and they have seen them too. I've seen lights in the sky everyday for 3 weeks towards the eastern side of the lake. At first I thought they were logging trucks, but as these lights have continued to appear, logging trucks cannot fly, hover or dart back in forth through the sky at amazing speeds.
GRANISLE, BRITISH COLUMBIA -- More witnesses are coming forward on the strange activity starting November 29, 2007, and continuing everyday between 5:00 p.m. - 3:00 a.m. Above and around Babine Lake there are unbelievably weird things going on, and I have lived in this town for almost 15 years, never before have I believed or wanted to believe in "extra terrestrials, or UFOs", but lately, I've seen things, lights in the sky, and shadows of abnormal things. I believe I've seen more than just UFOs.
She was writing to you about a picture her daughter had taken where you can clearly make out an abnormal figure. The one I saw on December 12, 2007, at home at 1 AM, while standing in my kitchen when I caught a glimpse of something in a thicket of trees standing behind my house. At first I thought it was a child, then I realized parents would not let a small child be out this late. For these reasons I have come to believe I was being observed. The lights I saw were flashing red and yellow discs. I've observed them through telescope and binoculars. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
BOUNDRY B.C. -- I had awakened and went out for a smoke on November 29, 2007, about 4:45 AM, and my gaze caught those colored lights in the eastern sky, over the mountain range. There were red and green lights and midway down the mountain there was a large oval golden shaped glow. It was moving REALLY slowly and amazingly I saw this thing disappear into the mountain. It's not like I saw the mountain opened up to reveal a tunnel or anything for it to travel into--it simply disappeared into it. It didn't rise to the sky or travel off left or right. It didn't vanish all at once. It was as if the "front" part of it entered the mountain with the rest of it following, the light disappearing as it went in.
AYLMER QUEBEC -- We saw the orange lights on January 1, 2008, in the early morning of New Years Day. One of the lights had three prongs like legs coming out of the light. It was quite clear to me and my son that they were some kind of space ships. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
CEDAR POINT, ONTARIO -- Flying my Citabria airplane at 3500 feet A.S.L., the dull silver saucer shaped UFO was first sited over Christian Island as I was banking my aircraft to the right on a level turn 12:15 PM, on June 20,1987.
I opened my left side window to watch as the UFO passed approximately 500 feet underneath my plane. I then banked the plane to the left so that I would not lose sight of it. The UFO continued on a straight and level path, and although I was going 110 M.P.H. the UFO's speed was such that there was no way I could catch up to it. If I had to approximate its speed, I would guess at 400-600 m.p.h.
As for the size of the UFO, I can't really say, since there was nothing that I could compare it to. If I had to guess, I would say about 30 to 50 feet in diameter. It happened so quickly, but I did get a very good look at it. There were no windows or any markings on the UFO. The color was dull silver, almost a grey color. I usually always have a camera in the side pouch of the aircraft door, but this time, it was in a bag behind the rear passenger seat. If I had a passenger with me to hand me the camera at that time, I would have been able to get a very good picture with my 35 mm camera! Now when I go flying, I always make sure that I have at least two cameras with me at all times. This was definitely a once in a lifetime experience that I will never forget. I now believe that there is really something out there that we cannot explain. It may be true that we are not alone in this universe! Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
Colombia UFO Videotaped
BOGOTA -- On January 1, 2008, video was taken of UFOs, that shows seven plates flying over South Bogota in the Granada District, at 3,30 p.m. Several people with cellular phones took many videos. These are being analyzed by Contact UFO, Merciful Hernandez, William Chavez, Shirley Leon, members of this organization. More sightings of UFOs will be increased, due to the proximity of our Solar System to the Pleiades. Thanks to INFORMES. Contacto OVNI - Colombia. Tel. 2355578 - 2445125 - 3404381 ht>http. www.epagos.com/contacto-ovni , The videos will be on www.myspace.com/contactovni
Mexico: UFO Video From Rio Bravo
A video taken by Jose Alonso Galicia Fabela on December 4, 2007 at 16:32 hours. It was taken when Alonso left the camera recording on the tripod over his house before going downstairs for lunch. After reviewing the tape, he found what he describes as a "line of silver orbs"
It should be noted that this is not the first time that he has left his camera running and unattended while he engages in other activities. He has previously sent Ana Luisa Cid video material that was gleaned in the same manner. (Translation (c) 2008. S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Ana Luisa Cid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFudpwwrJVs&feature=user
Poland UFO Hovers over a House Fire
SWIETOKRZYSKIE - The newspaper “Gazeta Starachowicka” reportss a story of a man from Rataje village who observed a strange luminous sphere over Weglow on December 23, 2007. A reader's son called at 8:30 p.m. to report, “He saw some bright light the size of small full moon but was positioned very low over the horizon, directly over the village." It was flying down and suddenly it stopped and remained hovering in the west sky. It remained stationary for a while and then shot off. It passed very quickly several hundreds of meters and then stopped and began to descend. It began moving horizontally and with enormous speed shot off upwards and disappeared.
The Emergency Center reported about 9 p.m. there was a report of wooden house fire in Weglow. The Fire Department said, "there was a failing of the electric installation in the house." We put the two and two together, the UFO was hovering directly over the house that was in flames.” NPN - http://www.npn.org.pl/ / NOL-The UFO Journal of Poland - - >http://nol-polishufojournal.blogspot.com/.
Republic of Ireland Disc
CORK, CLONDALKIN - I was staying with friends at Red Cow roundabout, looking out facing M-50 around 12:30 PM, on Christmas Day when I noticed a small black oval shaped flying object with a flashing red light taking off slowly from the Clondalkin area, It was generating more speed flying towards Dublin and eventually disappearing towards the Irish sea, all in a straight line. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
UK/England Disc Photo and Moving Discs
EYE, SUFFOLK -- At about 22.35 hours on December 31, 2007, my husband was in our garden when he called me outside to see a very bright orange light moving east slowly across the sky. It was like nothing we had ever seen before moving too slow to be an aircraft and the light was so bright it lit up the sky. We stood and watched it slowly flicker, then it faded. This took about four minutes. We noticed a sighting report from Armthorpe, Doncaster describing the same orange lights a few hours later. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
EFFINGHAM, SURREY -- We were sitting in the living room on Christmas Morning at 12:30 PM, and noticed the lights coming over the adjoining houses. They were much too bright and large for stars and were moving in a triangle formation. I went outside for a better look and noticed that there was no sound. My clear impression was that they were not aircraft. I called the family out to see them and we watched them for about three minutes as they flew slowly south. My daughter took a short video on her new digital camera present, but the image is poor and unclear. Thanks to Brian Vike, Director of HBCC UFO Research, http://www.hbccufo.org
FALMOUTH -- The Sun News By John Coles. "THIS stunning photo of a UFO over Cornwall was last night hailed by experts as one of the best ever taken in Britain. The classic flying saucer shape is seen above two ships. And UFO watchers believe it could be proof we are NOT alone. Kelvin Barbery snapped the mystery object from a coastal path between Swanpool and Maenporth, near Falmouth on December 29, 2007 at 3.31 PM, with a Nikon D80 Digital SLR on automatic.. In a weird twist, Kelvin, 55, did not even see the UFO at the time.
He thought he was just taking a sea view ? but when he loaded thee digital camera card on to his computer, the round metallic “craft” was in the centre of the shot, about two miles away. Kelvin, a facilities manager for schools, said: “There were a couple of tankers out in the bay and I thought that it made a nice shot. “There was nothing in view. I thought until I looked at the computer, ‘Wow, where did that come from?’
Nick Pope, one of Britain’s foremost UFO experts, said the photo was one of the best he had seen. Nick, formerly the official Ministry of Defence UFO analyst, said: “If I was still there I'd be looking at this very closely. The object looks structured, symmetrical and metallic. This man has caught something very interesting indeed.” Thanks to the Sun News, (http://www.thesun.co.uk)
Editors Note: Although it is difficult to determine the size of the tankers and the craft. These appear to be supertankers that average 1500 feet in length making the disc about 400 feet in diameter. Many UFOs are much larger than generally realized. During my encounter with a UFO over England its radar image was similar in size to the Firth of Forth Bridge over Scotland's Firth of Tay, which is 8,200 feet long and has 55,000 tons of steel.
WALES -- Sightings of unidentified flying objects have soared in the last month, with at least two a week seen by airline pilots in South Wales. Dancing lights, large craft and mysterious flashes are among dozens of UFOs sighted above Cardiff and the South Wales Valleys in the last few years. Thanks to Laura Wright
Atlantic Coast UFO Conferences, to sponsor NJ MUFON's event
New Jersey MUFON's first annual Northeastern conference will take place on February 15, 16, and 17 at Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City. The website is http://www.atlanticcoastufos.com/ Bud Hopkins and I will also be there.
Subscribe to Keep Getting These Files
Order ten years of Filer's Files on a CD with thousands of photographs and sightings for a donation of $50.
It is becoming more expensive and difficult for everything I do here at the National UFO Center and taking more of a bite out of my pension. If you would care to lend a hand it would be greatly appreciated. Also I should add, I don't know of anyone in the UFO field who makes any profit, all expenses come straight out of our own pockets. I guess one has to have a passion for the topic, but it does get expensive for everything one does not to mention the fifty hours a week.
Consider helping or these files will stop. Only a few people who have enjoyed these files for almost ten years have chosen to provide a donation. Don't miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. Subscribe today and receive a free UFO Photo CD from North Carolina. Be sure to ask for the CD. Send check or money order to: George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055.
You can also go to: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr or Majorstar @ aol.com
Become a MUFON member today! Benefits of membership include a subscription to the monthly UFO Journal which contains current investigations, sightings reports, articles by world-renowned researchers and more. To join now, click here. www.mufon.com
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2007 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to majorstar@aol.com. Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files please send a message to majorstar@aol.com
God Bless Our Troops and Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandson who drowned in Maui on October 6, 2007.
Happy New Year George A. Filer www.nationalufocenter.com
Please see the Filer's Files website for images in this weeks issue.
Posted January 10th 2008
Aliens Last Updated: Jul 26th, 2007 - 09:12:51
General Assessment of Extraterrestrial Life
By Donald Ware Lt.Col USAF retired
Nov 12, 2005, 22:53
In 1952, at age 16, I developed a strong curiosity about
flying saucers after observing seven of them over Washington, D.C.
They were in the restricted area over the White House.
Lt. Col. Don Ware, USAF retired
I later
attended Duke University, and the greatest lesson I learned was how
to think. I read all I could find about UFOs throughout my 26 years
as an Air Force officer, and I came to know six people in the
service who had seen alien vehicles up close. In 1970 I earned a
Master of Science degree in Nuclear Engineering with the idea in
the back of my mind that it would help me to understand the
advanced science of our visitors. After exploring much of the
world, I retired at age 47 and became a UFO investigator. With more
time to use as I chose, I soon realized that man's greatest
invention is the book, any non-fiction book. Books allow us to
condense the knowledge gained during a lifetime and then to pass
it on to seekers of that knowledge.
In 1989, after studying and learning more about the
non-physical aspects of the universe, I was used by a higher
intelligence to send a message to the generals at Eglin Air Force
Base. I had worked there for three years as a test manager. I did
not understand what the message was about, because it was slightly
garbled by the channel through which it came. However, I chose to
act upon it. The message was apparently of considerable
significance to those for whom it was sent. I now see that that
choice of mine was the passing of a test that allowed me to have
further participation in the transformation process. I then
received 15 messages through seven different sources that appear
to have come from a higher intelligence, each using one of three
telepathic processes. I started to pay attention. One of the
messages said, "...Individuals such as Donald Ware have a mission
whether they have yet fully recognized it. They are to show that
science and spirituality are two sides of one coin and cannot be
separated..." This is quite a challenge, but I chose to accept it.
I think that many people, some in important positions, have been
given similar challenges.
General Assessment
I see a connection among the various "UFO" stories that have
survived through the millennia, stories often recorded in religious
writings. Some involve transformational issues. I accept the idea
that intelligent life is abundant throughout the universe, in both
incarnate and discarnate forms. We continue to live after shedding
these physical bodies. Our true being is the spirit within us,
rather than our bodies. For example, we do not become less of a
human being if we lose an arm or a leg. Evidence from thousands of
"UFO" cases and related phenomena indicates that the normal means
of communication by higher intelligence is telepathic, whether that
intelligence is an alien in physical form or an unseen spiritual
teacher. The direct projection of thought allows communication
between beings with different physical form.
A higher intelligence that chooses to read our thoughts can do
so. Communication with higher intelligence now involves many people
around the world. Millions of Americans are participating in a
hybridization program with short beings from Zeta Reticula. The
resulting hybrid has a larger brain and greater telepathic ability.
The new body is being developed to house our souls as many of us
Earthlings join a galactic society. This same body will house some
Zeta Reticulan souls. This is a joint human/Zeta program. I think
that communication with some world leaders long ago led to alien
I think that galactic societies have a "prime directive" that
limits interference with lesser-evolved species such as we. This
concept is fed to us repeatedly on the Fox network through the Star
Trek series. The main reason alien liaison is increasing now is
because our planet is being transformed to support a new world
order. This process involves the evolution of the soul. The new
order is destined to support a learning process that is one step
beyond the human experience of free-will choices. It is the
experience of learning to develop unconditional love of others.
I think this outcome is unlikely unless the selfish or negative
souls stop re-incarnating here. I hope, for the sake of our
stressed environment, that we will get this kind of divine
assistance. If this happens, then the new world order can become
what Jesus described as heaven on Earth.
Many of the above ideas have inspired secret societies. For
centuries the secrecy has been required for self-protection. I
think the Bilderburgers, the Tri-lateral Commission, and the
Council on Foreign Relations in America is influenced by alien
liaison. I think some of their members have accepted a challenge
to help bring about a new world order just as I accepted a personal
challenge in 1989 to help bridge the gap between science and
spirituality. I think many members of these groups recognize that
having a government that can speak for all of the people of the
world is a prerequisite to joining a galactic society. However,
because of strong nationalistic feelings, there is strong
resistance to establishing a world government. This resistance is
driven primarily by greed, hate or fear. I think these are feelings
that we can overcome, given some divine assistance. Fortunately,
I see progress being made. We now have only one super-power in
military might. Economies are coalescing into three major economic
blocks, and advanced communication and transportation systems are
allowing a great inter-mingling of societies.
I think the US government did recover an alien vehicle in
1947. I think the aliens flew around in the restricted area over
the White House in 1952 because they wanted to make us aware of
their presence. I think President Eisenhower did have a meeting
with aliens after being given a demonstration of their technology
at Edwards AFB in 1954. Most people did not accept this story,
because the widest exposure was in the National Enquirer. (I wonder
who put it there.) MJ-12 must have existed in the 1950s much as
described in Admiral Hillencoetter's briefing document [1]. I think
MJ-12 continues to exist in some form.
In 1953 the Robertson panel found, in essence, that it is in
the national interest to keep the public from getting too excited
about our alien visitors. While some people insert disinformation
into major "UFO" cases, others are covertly raising our awareness
of a larger reality through a variety of means. The disinformation
provides a control lever for our covert agents to influence public
reaction to major "UFO" events and to covertly released documents.
And the educational programs are carefully designed to mold our
thinking about our visitors without forcing us to accept any ideas,
without violating the prime directive of the aliens with whom some
people had liaison.
The Friendly Spook Letter
In February 1989 Wendelle Stevens, well-known UFO investigator
and publisher received a letter from someone he has chosen to call
a "friendly spook," a government intelligence agent [2]. The letter
concerned the US government's investigation of the Billy Meier case
in Switzerland that Stevens had investigated. It also had much to
say about the development of government policy on “UFOs". Following
are a few paragraphs from that letter:
"...In 1945, when it was first proven that UFOs were real,
from space, operated by intelligent beings, most of whom were in
human form, the American Government did a soft touch check to see
what the great unwashed public would say, and how the public would
respond to UFOs, and space people, if the President informed the
public over national radio.
"...The public's response was all bad. Ninty-seven percent of
the public took one of two approaches. Shoot first and ask
questions later. Or call the UFOs agents of the devil, the prince
of the power of the air, the anti-Christ, and set up an even worse
situation, where UFOs would become a real negative religious issue.
What was surprising was the response of the religious leadership,
which was by far worse than the general public's response. It could
only be called grim news.
"The science community showed no leadership at all, just a
super case of stupidity, and prejudice.
"As you might guess, the original investigations were by
military men, under orders from General Marshall, under the
direction of the President. And if you know your military men,
finding one who wants to get into a fight with the preachers, over
what is or is not the anti-Christ, when neither the military man
nor the preacher knows a hell of a lot of factual information,
about either the anti-Christ or the UFOs, would be like sending a
blind person out to spot UFOs...
"...To say that the military community successfully avoided a
fight with the religious community over UFOs would be an accurate
observation. To say that the military was real damned sneaky about
how they informed the public about UFOs would also be an accurate
"...The military mind drew one conclusion. The single most
important thing to do, in the situation it was in, namely sitting
on some hot, highly controversial information, was to keep the
general public from getting a bad response by controlling the
public’s response to UFOs. In other words, keep the damned
religious mentality out of the issues involved, as long as
"But, do not ever say that the military never did anything
about informing the public about the existence of UFOs. That will
mean you have not figured out the methods used by the government
to spread the word about UFOs. You might say the military took the
Bible's advice about not to let the left hand know what the right
hand is doing.
"The military pulled the very same trick Moses pulled, when
he did not like the attitude of his troops after crossing the Red
Sea. He took the time to grow a new batch of troops, whose response
and thinking was more to his liking. And that is what the military
did about UFOs..."
I think the concept of educating a new generation has merit,
and is supported by history. Consider how alien vehicles and aliens
have become a part of our society with minimal adverse impact.
Cartoons have included them for decades, and now Ghostwriter is
influencing the young, and some older folks too. Advertisements of
all sorts show alien interaction with us. Even our most commonly
reported aliens have beer parties with Miller Lite. I was told that
Bob Oeschler knows an individual, apparently in some government
service, who visits CEOs around the country to encourage such
advertisements. And Jamie Shandera said he was told that government
agents influenced the making of "The Day the Earth Stood Still",
"Close Encounters of the Third Kind", and "ET" to help shape public
Educating Leaders of the DOD
While taking the time to change the thinking of the public
about our alien visitors, those few people who were managing the
educational program apparently found it necessary to change the
thinking at the top levels of the Department of Defense through
covert means. The following story describes one event in that
In 1988 a friend brought a recently retired lawyer from New
York to my home so he could tell me about his personal UFO
experience in 1959. After listening to his story, I asked him if
he had had any other encounters. He said no, but his neighbor, a
retired Air Force lieutenant colonel, told him about an intriguing
experience. His neighbor said he flew large aircraft (I don't
recall if it was C-135s or C-140s) out of Peterson AFB, Colorado
in 1968 when he got a strange mission. He flew a large group of
high-ranking generals and civilians from the Pentagon to a
TACAN/DME position over the southwest desert and was told to listen
on a certain radio frequency. When he got there three alien
vehicles appeared, and everyone on the plane was able to see them.
Then over the assigned channel came this message, "There are many
concepts of God in the universe." The alien vehicles departed, and
the Air Force plane returned to base.
Now consider this mission carefully. If it really happened,
and I have no reason to believe it did not, someone at a very high
level in our government either coordinated that mission with the
aliens or accepted the coordination of a known non-government
individual. And why did this happen? I can only presume that
someone wanted the top levels of our Department of Defense to
associate UFOs with that message. I find this believable,
considering all the other data I have collected. This event also
made me wonder if the Pentagon Working Group that Howard Blum wrote
about in Out There was another covert educational program for
lower-ranking officers [3].
Educating the Troops
In the August 1992 issue of the MUFON UFO Journal, Bob Gribble
described an event that occurred on Tulagi Island in the South
Pacific in August 1942. According to Stephen J. Brickner of the
First Marine Division, a flight of 150 disk-shaped vehicles flew
over the troops who were expecting Japanese bombers. They were in
straight majestic lines of 10 to 12 craft each, one behind the
other. The gleaming objects seemed to "wobble slightly, and every
time they wobbled, they would shimmer brightly from the sun." The
formation disappeared swiftly, leaving the excited witnesses open
mouthed. Was this a demonstration by some alien folks to raise the
awareness of the soldiers?
I vaguely recall several stories from the mid-fifties where
airmen on various Air Force bases reported to the base theater for
"Commander's Call" and were shown about 30 minutes of slides and
film clips of alien vehicles. When the show was over, an officer
came on stage and said, "Don't talk about it! Dismissed."
I also know a prominent, well-educated civilian named George
Gaines who had a UFO sighting in 1955. He was 12 years old, and he
reported it in a letter to the "UFO Office, Eglin AFB." A few days
later, at 0900 on Saturday, he got a call and was asked if he
reported the sighting. When he said yes, he was told to stay right
there, rather than go to swim practice at the YMCA as he had
planned. Five minutes later a new white Cadillac arrived with a
colonel and a captain in uniform. They spent hours questioning him
and showing him UFO film clips and albums full of UFO photos. His
parents were asked to stay in the next room. There was one album
they did not show him before they started to leave. He asked what
was in it, and they asked if he had seen any aliens. He said no and
was told they only show that to people who report seeing aliens.
He insisted on seeing it, and they complied. George said it was
full of alien photos. Some were dead, and some appeared alive.
I have also heard reports of highly skilled people, such as
SR-71 pilots, being taken to a set of bleachers in a desert by a
bus with blacked-out windows. A squarish object without wings rose
up to the desert floor on an elevator and was entered by a
human-looking pilot. It ascended silently and "flew" away. Again,
they were told not to talk about it. I wonder how many other people
are now willing to talk about similar experiences.
More recently, the MidOhio Research Associates found at least
two sources that talk about a "UFO" demonstration given to the
troops of Desert Storm. A retired US military officer, using the
pseudonym "Frank", said it happened two days before the start of
the ground war. This must have been a time of boredom and
nervousness for the ground troops. "Fran" said he learned from
reliable sources that about 8000 soldiers saw a huge "UFO" over
their four tank battalions in Saudi Arabia. It was oblong and
bluish-green. Its size was 1/4 mile long and perhaps 200 yards
wide. It suddenly appeared and hovered silently over the troops for
a long time. Then "the light show began" as it rose upward and
quickly disappeared. Many soldiers took pictures with their
privately owned cameras. The next day security people arrived. They
formed everyone up into small groups for a de-briefing, and they
confiscated the film.
If some group had a mission to change the thinking of the
public without causing too much excitement, what better way is
there than influencing military troops? They can most easily be
restricted from going to the media where the audience could be an
unmanageable 50 million. The timing of the above event indicates
they may have even known the planned date of the start of the
ground war.
The WWT Letter
On 18 Oct 90 Gary Schultz, a California investigator, was sent
a letter from Wackenhut World Technologies, Inc. signed by "William
F. Hines, III". The letterhead reads, "U.S. Government Data
Correlation Office, Office of Foreign Relations, Frances Perkins
Bldg., 200 Constitution Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210." Mr.
Schultz had been taking vanloads of people on tours to Area 51 in
Nevada to see strange lights in the night sky. He felt that
knowledge of the alien vehicles rumored to be there should not be
kept from the public.
The letter states:
"According to our representatives, you have expressed an
interest of late in a particular geographical region. We understand
fully the concerns of ordinary citizens such as yourself, but rest
assured, Mr. Shultz, your focus is quite unwarranted under the
circumstances. It may put your mind at ease to know that our elite
panel of scientists, politicians and educators is very much on top
of this situation. At the same time, however, it s the consensus
of these top flight personnel that your ongoing visits to the
southern Nevada region can serve no useful purpose, and may in fact
subvert the common goal by disrupting the delicate matters at hand.
[Exopolitics? – DMW, July 2005]
"Therefore, we must ask you kindly to please refrain from
making further visits to the region in question. Most assuredly,
we are doing everything possible to support the general welfare and
achieve the interests of the community-at-large. Your continued
presence will only complicate matters and possibly sabotage the
productive inroads made so far. In any case, Mr. Schultz, we feel
- and we're sure this is something with which you will agree - that
this matter is something clearly best left to professionals. With
the cooperation of loyal citizens, we feel confident that the
United States can stay the course."
The Wackenhut Corporation has a contract with the U.S.
Department of Energy to provide security for many of our
government's most classified facilities. Humans and aliens have
been reported to be working together at some of these facilities.
After receiving the above letter, Gary Schultz continued his visits
to southern Nevada. He also planned a UFO seminar starting 30 Apr
93 at the Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel, Nevada, near Area 51. Prior
to the seminar, Schultz received a copy of the letter that the
Wackenhut Corporation sent to all of their security guards in the
area. I presume this was done to avoid any misunderstanding by
seminar attendees that might result in an incident.
The Warwick Research Institute Letter
In 1992 John Schuessler, a Deputy Director for the Mutual UFO
Network, Inc., received a large package of information from an
anonymous source. This package included the following letter:
TO: Policy Committee, November 1990
Subject: Observations on Public Acclimation Program
The metered release of information to the public through various
unofficial channels continues to generate much interest and an
increasing level of awareness, with few if any observable
side-effects, other than healthy skepticism on the part of some
We respectfully suggest continuing the present approach, as it
is making information available to those who are psychologically
ready for it, without causing undue stress on those who are not
The present approach is also proving helpful to those who are
having first-hand encounters. It is providing them with
a context in which to put experiences they cannot other-
wise explain or understand. Having some conception of what
has happened to them is an enormous psychological relief to
these people -- and helps them get on with their lives, as
best as possible. Providing information which helps people
to cope will become increasingly important as the percentage
of the population having these encounters continues to rise.
As you know, some assistance in this area is being rendered
by interested parties.
Over time, it may be appropriate to increase the accuracy and
the consistency of information in circulation. The very good
groundwork laid over the last few years has made it possible
to acclimate the public at the current accelerated rate. As
the public becomes more comfortable with IAC and other sightings,
"crop circles," etc., additional types of information might be
released. It appears most of the research community is running
one to two years or more ahead of the mainstream media. This
gives some timeframe for possible disclosures to the general
public -- while providing advance details to those who are ready
for it now.
Having a certain number of informed citizens among the population
could very well prove to be an invaluable resource in the face
of unpredictable future events. Indeed, history may record that
it was these aware people who set aside their differences and
worked together the most to help humanity, their country and
their government in the changing times and challenges ahead.
MAJIC Attn: MJ-8
I think the content of this letter is the result of a
sociological study conducted by the Warwick Research Institute,
associated with Warwick University in Warwick, England. I think the
incomplete date and lack of a proper signature are part of the
disinformation that should be expected in such releases. This
allows people who are not ready for the truth to continue living
with their comfortable, narrow perspectives. A MidOhio Research
Associate questioned the Institute receptionist about their clients
and was told they are primarily the United Nations, the World Bank,
and the International Monetary Fund [4]. The package received by
Schuessler, and apparently a number of other prominent UFO
investigators, that contained this letter also contained a list of
names and addresses that included a Christian Warwick. This was
done, I believe, to help keep inquisitive investigators off the
back of the Institute in England.
AMOCO Advertisement and the Alien
In November of 1989 AMOCO placed a full-page advertisement in
Aviation Week and Space Technology magazine headlined "Technology
so advanced it will help you answer some big questions." On the
back was a full-page color photo of an alien head and shoulders
with his four-fingered hand raised in a gesture of friendship.
Spokespersons for AMOCO said this is a photo of a ten-inch model.
One NASA employee who received a copy of the photo in the mail said
he thinks it is a photo of an alien taken by another alien with a
camera provided by a NASA source. High quality copies show moisture
in the corner of the left eye and thin hairs on the neck. Many
people think this is not a photo of a ten-inch model. I asked the
lady on the advertised 800 number if this ad sold much of their
product. She said no, but they got a tremendous number of inquiries
about the alien picture. This ad was repeated in Aviation Week and
other aerospace magazines, some in even larger format. While I was
in the Air Force we knew this as "Aviation Leak" magazine; because,
much information, when declassified, reached the public through
its pages without being released at a press conference. This
insured responsible and accurate reporting.
What I find most interesting is that on 23 Dec 89 a lady named
Renee photographed her daughter on a hobbyhorse next to a 19-inch
TV. She saw nothing unusual; but, when she got the picture back
there was a full-screen head of an alien on the TV. The TV was not
on. This appears to be a case of instrumented transcommunication
(ITC), a phenomenon studied by several groups in various countries
and written about recently in The Quarterly Review of the Institute
of Noetic Sciences [5]. This is alien technology. Both images look
like they could be the same alien species. The lighting on each
picture emphasizes a circular area on the side of the head above
the area where we have ears. Perhaps this circular area is an organ
associated with the direct projection of thought. It makes me
wonder. These images seem to be influencing our thoughts. I wonder
it they could be a part of a joint human-alien program to do so.
Star "Treknology"
A Knight-Ridder Newspapers article was published in Fort
Walton Beach on 3 Sep 92. The title was "Star 'Treknology'. What's
possible, what's not?" It listed many technologies that large
numbers of people have become familiar with through Star Trek and
follow-on TV series. These shows have been appearing on Fox and
other networks almost nightly for many years. The technologies
listed are; Two-way Video, Medical Scanner, Faster-than-light
travel, Holodek, Matter-antimatter propulsion, and a Transporter
that assembles molecules to specification. The article describes
each technology and then the prospects for us acquiring it. The
prospects range from "almost in our living room" to "way out
there". Some of the technologies that seem less attainable are
technologies that our alien visitors appear to already have, as
reported by people who have been on their vehicles or communicated
with some higher intelligence.
On 16 Aug 92 another Knight-Ridder article was in the
Northwest Florida Daily News. The headline was, "Are alien
abductions common?" This was a highly informative article that
listed phone numbers for experiencers seeking support. It won the
second-prize Journalism Award from the Fund for UFO Research. If
I had an interest in raising people's awareness of such on-board
experiences and providing support where needed without getting the
public too excited, this is the kind of article I would write. It
is interesting that in 1992 Knight-Ridder Newspapers was a growing
organization at the same time many other newspapers were struggling
to avoid deep reductions in manpower.
Are Tabloids Used to Introduce Us to Reality?
Supermarket tabloids have almost-zero credibility among
thinking people, because many of their stories are embellished with
fiction. They are written in a manner that prevents follow-up
investigation. If you were MJ-1, and you wanted to slowly condition
the public to the fact of alien liaison, what would you do? Perhaps
you would arrange for a tabloid to publish pictures of an alien
with the President on the front page so that everyone who bought
food would see it. This method would fairly well assure that you
would not get an invitation to a national press conference. Then
you might follow up with pictures of presidential candidates and
perhaps a president's wife with a not-so-threatening-looking alien.
Most people scoff at such “revelation”, but the subtle
conditioning of the mind is real.
In 1988 the World Weekly News published a photo of a crater
on the Moon with an apparently fake US Navy PB4Y-2 Privateer nearly
filling the crater. The story indicated the picture was taken from
a Soviet orbiter in 1970. In 1990 the same Toronto-based tabloid
published another photo of the same crater with a real-looking
PB4Y-2. However, this time the aircraft was rotated about 10
degrees and moved back from the center uncovering more of what
appear to be constructions. A diligent researcher, John Anderson,
found the crater, named Daedalus, in Fred Steckling's 1982 book,
We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon. The photo of the crater was
made from Apollo 11 in 1969, and it is 48 miles in diameter. Both
photos are fake. So why would two different aircraft photos be
superimposed over a crater on the moon in a manner that calls
attention of the researcher to the constructions in the crater?
Perhaps, using a tabloid seen by many millions of people plants a
seed of thought not only about an alien presence, but also about
constructions on the Moon, a seed that had only reached a small
audience through Fred Steckling's book.
Statements by Our Leaders
The Louisiana Mutual UFO Network newsletter for Nov-Dec 1992
contained an article, "Authoritative Quotes Hint at UFO Secrets
Government Can't Tell." The article said that in 1950 President
Harry Truman is quoted as saying, "I can assure you that flying
saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power
on earth." Dr. Herman Oberth, father of modern rocketry, is quoted
as saying in 1954, "(UFOs) are conceived and directed by
intelligent beings. They probably do not originate in our solar
system." Years later he was quoted as saying, "We cannot take the
credit for our record advancement in certain scientific fields
alone. We have been helped." When asked by whom, he replied, "The
people of other worlds." Then Dr. Wernher von Braun, reflecting on
the deflection of the US Juno 2 rocket from orbit in 1959, stated,
"We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we
had hitherto assumed, and whose base is at present unknown to us.
More I cannot say at present. We are now engaged in entering into
closer contact with those powers, and in six or nine months time
it may be possible to speak with some precision on the matter."
Both President Ford and President Carter spoke about UFOs before
being elected but failed to shed further light on the subject after
becoming president.
Chapter 11 of Brad Steiger's book, The Philadelphia Experiment
and Other UFO Conspiracies is called "Government UFO Coverups-- A
Summary." It says that in June of 1982 Stephen Spielberg screened
his soon-to-be released film "E.T. the Extraterrestrial" to
President Ronald Reagan at the White House. After the movie had
ended and the lights had been restored, Reagan confided to
Spielberg, "You know, there aren't six people in this room who know
just how true that really is." Before the President could
elaborate, their conversation was interrupted by well-wishers.
I have heard from a credible private source that in 1985 two
"Ascended Masters" appeared in a meeting between Soviet leader
Gorbachev and his top advisors. They said he was personally
responsible for the nuclear threat to this planet, and he must
change his ways. Before they "disappeared", they said just to make
sure he understood how serious they were, they were going to cause
an accident to happen at Chernobyl. Less than a year later an
"accident" did happen at Chernobyl and Gorbachev did change his
ways. This story sounds ridiculous to most people, until they
understand the concept that a nuclear fireball can blow apart a
soul. It can affect things beyond this planet, as many of the
1950s' contactees were told. I find it interesting that now
Gorbachev, along with Carl Sagan, are leaders in establishing Green
Cross International to help save our planet from destruction. Also,
Gorbachev is reported by the Associated Press to have had his movie
debut in Munich where an angel appeared to him and spoke to him
about the meaning of life.
Later in 1985, in December, while addressing high-school
students in Fallston, Maryland, President Reagan recalled his
recent conversation with Gorbachev. Reagan said, "I couldn't help
but say to [Gorbachev], how easy his task and mine might be if
suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species
from another planet outside in the universe. We'd forget all the
little local differences...and find out once and for all that we
really are all human beings here on this Earth." Again, in
September 1987, in a speech before the entire UN General Assembly,
Reagan said, "Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to
make us recognize the common bond that unites all humanity. How
quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing
an alien threat from outside this world. And yet I ask you, is not
an alien threat already among us?"
More recently, according to USA Today and other newspapers,
Henry Kissinger, in an address to the Bilderbergers meeting at
Evian, France on 21 May 92, stated, "Today Americans would be
outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order;
tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they
were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or
promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that
all the peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to
deliver them from this evil. The one thing that every man fears is
the unknown. When presented with this scenario individual rights
will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well
being granted to them by their world government." It seems evident
to me that some of our leaders know a lot that many people are not
ready to hear. Perhaps our alien visitors can decide who is ready
for the truth and who is not. Perhaps it is a matter of individual
Carl Sagan - Skillful Writer
Those who appreciate Stanton Friedman's research into the
Majestic-12 briefing for President-elect Eisenhower will realize
that Donald Menzel, an astronomer, was the member responsible for
managing public opinion about our alien visitors. In those days the
use of ridicule and the spreading of bunk about the subject was
effective in keeping the public from getting too excited. Menzel
wrote three books debunking the subject, and he countered
responsible magazine articles by scientists and researchers. He
bought time for people with secrets. When Menzel died in 1976, who
do you think replaced him in carrying out the policy codified by
the Robertson panel? I think it was Carl Sagan. When I was flying
my first combat tour in Vietnam in 1966, I recall that Sagan was
head of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. For a very long
time he has been serving our government in highly responsible
positions. Perhaps he also serves those concerned about the planet
on an international level. After Menzel died, Sagan established
himself in the public mind as the authority on space with the
highly popular Cosmos series on TV. In 1985 he wrote the novel,
Contact, about man's first contact with alien beings. I think it
is meant to be educational. On page 142 he makes a statement that
I consider very important: "There were many interpretations of
Scripture and many interpretations of the natural world. Both were
created by God, so both must be mutually consistent. Wherever a
discrepancy seems to exist, either a scientist or a theologian -
maybe both - hasn't been doing his job."
Now Sagan is using the widely distributed Parade newspaper
magazine to make us think about what's going on. His 7 May 93 cover
story asked, "Are They Coming For Us?" It included intriguing
photos from three movies that evidence indicates had government
support; "The Day the Earth Stood Still", "Close Encounters of the
Third Kind", and "E.T.". The first movie was designed to help us
overcome the shoot-first-and-ask-questions-later attitude. Jamie
Shandera told me that he was told two government technical advisors
helped "Close Encounters...” dramatize historical events, and
"E.T." showed our children that an "ugly" extraterrestrial can be
adorable and should not be feared. This article on UFOs and alien
abductions is written in a manner that can appear to support those
who want to believe that the millions of Americans who, polls
indicate, have been on board alien vehicles were just
hallucinating. Yet, Sagan's last sentence, "There is genuine
scientific paydirt in UFOs and alien abductions - but it is, I
think, of distinctly terrestrial origin,” seems to support my
opposite view. My 41 years of UFO research has provided ample
evidence that aliens have been here for thousands of years, and our
government has been secretly working with some for several decades.
This article is full of questions that should make us think. Sagan
is a very skillful writer.
On 6 Jun 93 Parade magazine published another article by Carl
Sagan, "Is There Intelligent Life on Earth?" He compares signs of
intelligent life on Earth as seen from space with our knowledge of
other planets. One bold-print excerpt says, "Some signs of
intelligent life are readily detected - but almost none of our art,
literature, science and compassion. It's a parable for our time."
He says, "Something has gone wrong. They're destroying the forests
and ozone layer, eroding the topsoil, altering the climate." He
closes with these questions; "Haven't they noticed what's
happening? Are they oblivious to their fate? Are they unable to
work together on behalf of the environment that sustains all of
The Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control
The Fire Officer's Guide to Disaster Control by William M.
Kramer, Ph.D. and Charles W. Bahme, J.D. is a totally serious book
found in fire and police department libraries across the nation.
In June 1993 a new chapter (pp.458-473) was added to this book.
Bahme saw the "UFOs" over Los Angeles on 26 Aug 42 that were
attacked by ground defenses, which killed nine people. During the
Korean War he was Security Coordinator for the Chief of Naval
Operations, The Guide is published by the Delaware State Fire
School and made available through the Fire Engineering Book
Service, (800) 752-9768.
The first half of the chapter is about, "The UFO Threat - A
Fact". There are sections under the following headings: UFO
Discussion - Why Now? UFO Background Information, UfOs - What are
They?, UFO Classification System, Shapes of UFOs, History of UFOs,
UFO Organizations, Why the Secrecy?, and UFO Missions. The second
part is on "Adverse Potential of UFOs:" with sections on: UFO
Hazards, Force Field Impact, Communications Disruption, Regional
Power Blackouts, Fireballs Over Syracuse - The Blackout Connection,
UFOs - The Panic Hazard, and Personal Hazards - Physiological.
Prior to the "Conclusion" there are some comments on "UFOs -
Emergency Action."
This document appears to me to put a lot of pertinent
information in the hands of "regular folks" in communities around
the country, Are we being told just what we need to know when we
need to know it?
Promoting Better Thought for a Better World
Is there any doubt that this planet is facing tremendous
change? Most of our problems are the result of too many people, too
many people making selfish choices. Consideration for the well
being of our planet and our fellow humans too often does not drive
our thoughts and our actions. I think we won't have a better world
until we have better people on it. If it is true that we are what
we think, perhaps we should change our thoughts.
The changes taking place on this planet are easier to
understand if you have a spiritual perspective that includes
reincarnation. Although this is not part of the reality taught in
the most popular churches in America, thoughts on consciousness and
the many lifetimes of an evolving soul are rapidly expanding among
those seeking answers to our many mysteries. The Institute of
Noetic Sciences (IONS) was founded in 1973 by retired astronaut
Edgar Mitchell with the twin aims of fostering research on human
consciousness and exploring its relevance to world affairs. The
word noetic is derived from the Greek word nous, meaning mind,
intelligence, or ways of knowing. Groups of members are creatively
finding ways to link our social, ecological, and spiritual visions
through action. IONS is one of the most effective of the various
groups consciously promoting change toward a better world.
The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
headed by Steven M. Greer, M.D. is a civilian group promoting
friendly liaison with our alien visitors. Their methods reflect a
spiritual understanding that has led to phenomenal interactions
with the higher intelligence in vehicles that appear in our sky.
The Human Potential Foundation (HPF) headed by Dr. C.B. Scott
Jones, and funded by Lawrence Rockefeller, is doing a great job of
promoting a better understanding of our alien visitors. Dr. Jones
has had a long history of government service. His 13 May 93 "UFO"
Briefing/Bibliography [written with Dick Farley] includes eleven pages of very thoughtful commentary. The 18 book titles are listed:
UFOs in the New Age, extraterrestrial messages and the truth
of Scripture
Extra -Terrestrials Among Us
Report on Communion, The Facts Behind the Most Controversial
True Story of our Time
Encounters, A Psychologist Reveals Case Studies of
Abductions by Extraterrestrials
Angels, God's Secret Agents
Above Top Secret
Intruders, The Incredible Visitation at Copley Woods
Secret Life, Firsthand Documented Accounts of Abductions
UFO Crash at Roswell
The UFO Encyclopedia
Communion, A True Story
Transformation, The Breakthrough
Angels and Aliens, UFOs and the Mythic Imagination
Into the Fringe, A True Story of Alien Abduction
Revelations, Alien Contact and Human Deception
UFO Chronicles of the Soviet Union, A Cosmic Samizdat
The Gulf Breeze Sightings
The Alien Agenda
The first book summarizes concerns of some in the Evangelical
Christian community. In the commentary on that sector of society,
Dr. Jones points out that, "In analyzing the effects of such
phenomena as UFOs, 'ETs', and 'abductions' on society, and in
attempting to assess potential impacts of any new information about
them on social and political processes, it is axiomatic to remember
that 'Truth is what is believed,' in social-control exercises."
The Human Potential Foundation programs are carried out through
a series of Centers. Those Centers operating and planned are the:
Center for Innovative Problem Solving, Center for Thanotology and
Survival Research, Center for Inter-Species Communication (CISC),
Center for Energy Abundance, and the Center for Independent
Creativity and Invention. The HPF brochure states, "The CISC will
conduct inter-species communication research with dolphins and
whales with anticipated applications to the research under way in
Communications with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CETI)." I find
it interesting that the new TV series, Sea Quest, suggests
telepathy is being used in communication with the dolphin.
Finally, I will close by saying I think there is a group of
intelligent people on this planet working in liaison with higher
intelligences, or alien visitors, to make this a better world. I
I think many people with powerful connections, such as the
Bilderbergers, the Tri-lateral Commission, and the Council on
Foreign Relations, understand the importance of success. Some of
these people have gained much experience in international affairs
through government service. Some are bringing people together
through multi-national corporations. Some have established major
foundations. Some have great influence on the media. I think we are
being told through a wide variety of covert means a lot of what we
want to know. For example, the recent Sci/Fi - channel movie,
"0fficial Denial," uses words that are too well chosen to be pure
entertainment. Perhaps we should view this movie as having an
educational purpose. [Now available in Video Stores]
1. Good, Timothy; Above Top Secret, William Morrow & Co., New York,
1988, pp 546-551
2. Stevens, Wendelle; UFO Contact From The Pleiades - A
Supplemental Report, self-published, Tucson, AZ, 1989, pp 229-235
3. Blum, Howard; Out There, Simon and Schuster, New York, 1990
4. Jones, William E.; Ohio UFO Notebook, MidOhio Research
Associates, Dublin, OH, July 1992, pp 1-3
5. Macy, Mark; ~"When Dimensions Cross", The Quarterly Review,
Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sausalito, CA, Spring 1993
Update: August 2, 2005
I wrote the above paper over 11 years ago, so I will comment on some more recent evidence of government covert education for truthseekers concerning the alien presence.
First, I will provide a follow-up to the important 1985 visit by “Ascended Masters” to Gorbachev concerning nuclear weapons. Gorbachev called Reagan at the G-7 meeting in Europe, and they had a brief private meeting in Vienna. Kissinger said in his book, Diplomacy, that when Reagan left the room he was obviously upset but would not talk about it. The report on the 6 Apr 86 Chernobyl accident said that during a test three poor-judgment decisions caused loss of control of the reactor. I know that telepathy can influence such decisions. In a 19 Dec 85 response to a world government inquiry (in my files), Gorbachev said that he was willing to eliminate 50% of the Soviet nuclear weapons. However, when he and Reagan met in Iceland after the explosion, Kissinger said that Gorbachev’s opening position was that he was willing to eliminate all Soviet nuclear weapons now if Reagan would do the same. Reagan was only willing to go half way. These events are what caused Reagan to make statements at his next public appearance, a Maryland High School, and then at the UN General Assembly about a possible alien threat. UFO investigator Vladimir Rubstoff from Kiev reported at the MUFON Conference in Austin, TX that three hours after the explosion a 6 to 8-meter diameter disk in a fiery ball hovered 300 meters over reactor #4 and projected two crimson beams into the flaming core for three minutes before slowly moving away. During this time the readings on the radiation recorders dropped from 3000 to 800 miliroentgens per hour. This indicates a removal of 73% of the hazardous material. It appears that whoever caused the explosion took some responsibility to help clean it up. My Russian friend, Nikolai LeBedev, told me that they now realize that dumping planeloads of boron on the flames greatly increased the radioactive fallout and should not have been done. I suspect this decision was made because the officials could not believe that aliens had already removed most of the radioactive material. In the 104 Q & A sessions that RA, the “Sun God” teacher of the Egyptians, had with Don Elkins through Carla Reukert about 1983, RA said they were still trying to repair human souls that were “disassociated” at Hiroshima in WW II. The RA Material tells us that if a human is engulfed in a nuclear fireball, the strong nuclear force will disassociate the energies of our “eternal soul.” This confirms what the 1950s contactees were told, “Nuclear weapons affect things outside of this planet.” Loss of our physical bodies by other means is not so serious from the perspective of higher intelligence. There is logical reason for an ascended master to take drastic measures to change the direction of governments. I see these events as a lesson in Exopolitics backed up by action. Many now accept that the Chernobyl catastrophe triggered positive change throughout the world. The numbers of nuclear weapons continue to decrease, and Gorbachev has dedicated his life to eliminating them all.
As a student of world leadership, I gave considerable thought to who replaced Carl Sagan as MJ-8, the position responsible to manage public reaction to the alien presence. I decided that it was Sagan’s long-time colleague, Frank Drake. Drake now heads the Search for ET Intelligence Institute (SETI), a “private” organization. Drake, and his public relations agent, Seth Shostak, are now used by the CFR-controlled major media to “balance” information directed to the general public. The recent ABC special, “Seeing is Believing” is a good example. Drake occasionally feeds us some useful information. He stated in his Forward to Shostak’s book, Sharing the Universe, “Mix in some true observations with some fantasy, and the naïve will conclude that all is true…” However, the events of the “Oscar” case investigated by Forest Crawford are not mentioned in the book. In this case Frank Drake was the primary interrogator of an alien recovered from a crash near Phoenix in 1975.
I have further thoughts on The Human Potential Foundation (HPF) and my friend, C.B. Scott Jones, Ph.D. He is a spiritually oriented gentleman with experience in Korea as a Navy fighter pilot, in Navy intelligence, and in the War Room of the Pentagon. After retiring he worked for Senator Claiborne Pell, a CFR member, reporting to Pell on UFO conferences and Psychic Research conferences around the world. Jones was, for a while, President of the American Society for Psychic Research. Lawrence Rockefeller asked Jones to let him know when he was ready to work for him full time. That happened in 1993 when Bill Clinton became President. Jones founded the HPF with Senator Pell, as a 501-3C organization, and he became the HPF President. Rockefeller gave the HPF $1 million to encourage the US Government to release to the public previously classified information about the alien presence. Jones was very effective in causing information to be released. However, it was done covertly, and it sometimes included disinformation. My assessment of some examples follow:
The “Alien Autopsy” film. – The film is real (obviously a dead alien), but all info associated is false.
The “Live Alien” film. – This alien dies on camera, probably in the 1950s (no longer of concern to those who might fear aliens). All that “Victor” said about it is false.
The 1995 HPF conference at the Washington Sheraton, “When Cosmic Cultures Meet,” was beautifully organized by Jones. - Though Clinton, Sagan and various UN people were invited to speak, they declined, and George S. Robinson, a world-class lawyer, was the most important speaker, in my opinion. His subject was “Homo alterios spacialis, Extraterrestrial Progeny of Humankind and a Declaration of Interdependence.” He said that we could not take national laws into space. We have to determine what is natural or cosmic law, what law pertains to us out there, aliens down here, and human/alien hybrids here there and everywhere. Jones closed the conference by asking us all to stop trying to prove the evidence of the alien presence and to start considering how the alien presence affects all aspects of society. That was 10 years ago, and many did not get the message.
I arranged for George Robinson to speak at the August 1998 IUFOC Summer Seminar. He chose “Space Law and Astro Law” as his topic, but he mentioned eugenics and said that we humans have already made a new species and a new subspecies. I think he was not allowed to mention aliens, though all 250 people in the room knew that aliens are involved in the hybridization program.
Linda Moulton Howe and Derrel Sims received hardware. – NIDS scientists proved it was of ET origin, because five elements had isotopic ratios “not of this planet.” This was announced at an International Press Conference at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Roswell crash. This1997 conference was given major media promotion to make it a newsworthy event for our general public. The media used the Phoenix lights of 13 Mar 97 as if they were recent, and a non-human face was put on the cover of Time Magazine 23 Jun 97. I think this drawing is Homo alterios spacialis, our future body.
Many previously classified documents were released and made available to seekers by Bob and Ryan Wood. - One of the most interesting is the 1954 MJ-12 Special Operations Manual 1-01, ET Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal. I think the validity of this document was verified when a copy mailed through the US Post Office from Bob to Ryan was delivered to Linda Moulton Howe. I think the same agents who sometimes make our mailed evidence of the alien presence disappear redirected it. They knew she would make it public soon, and it was released as part of the public acclimation program.
Government “controllers” sometimes allow former service members to write about their unusual experiences even thought they had been classified. This allows those seeking the information to find it, while active government agents maintain deniability. When Dan Sherman separated from the UASF because of the stresses of his highly classified job of telepathic communication in Project Promise Destiny, he was allowed to publish Above Black, with some restrictions. He said that while in a two-week class at Ft. Mead, Maryland, a man in a dark suit enlisted him in a class to hone his telepathic ability. He was told that his mother was picked up by aliens, and he was one of 70,000 worldwide who had been genetically engineered to be better communicators with unseen beings.
Charles Hall is another former military man whose unusual experiences with aliens are now documented in Millennial Hospitality. His verbal orders when assigned to be the weatherman at Indian Springs AFB, NV gave him access to Area 53 and Area 54 located east of Area 51. “Tall White” aliens there used Hall to become acclimated to humans before they met humans for important negotiations or while visiting Las Vegas. He said that in 1967 their motherships stayed on the ground in Area 54 for two weeks while being re-supplied. He said Booz Allen apparently had the contract for providing the aliens what they needed. They must be well paid, because they sponsored a golf tournament recently. I find it interesting that James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA is now a Partner and Vice President of Booz Allen Hamilton.
Finally, I will mention a case of unseen beings promoting public acclimation about the
larger reality represented by aliens. Years ago Wendelle Stevens and Gene Roddenberry were speakers at the same conference. At breakfast Stevens asked Roddenberry, “Where do you get the story lines for the Star Trek series.” Roddenberry said, “I get them at about 2 o’clock in the morning. Sometimes they come faster than I can write. When I wake in the morning all I have to do is flesh it out.” I think that humans, aliens, and possibly angels have been slowly preparing us to join the galactic society for a long time.
Note: This paper may be reproduced in any media.
Donald M. Ware, donware@earthlink.net, http://home.earthlink.net/~donware
Bilingual, English y Castellano:
5.- Hitler......por Leo Margulies.
A pesar de que aca optamos generalmente de referirnos a la Ciencia Ficcion, no esta de mas a veces leer algo sobre la Historia, a fin de aclarar la mente de mensajes o propagandas mal intencionadas.Tambien es bueno leer de las fuentes, a ver si adivinamos como le andaba el cerebro a los personajes historicos en sus momentos fuertes.
Y que mas fuerte debe haber sido para el Fuhrer, ver que todos sus esfuerzos habian sido aniquilados, y que todos sus triunfos se desvanecian con la derrota final. Como los boxeadores, que van de triunfo en triunfo, y creen tener el mundo en sus manos, para luego caer a la lona, derrotados por un contrincante mas fuerte.
En este caso, no es que hubiera un contrincante mas fuerte, sino que era todo el barrio que se habia metido a la pelea; los Aliados eran decenas, y los del Eje, tres : Italia y Alemania dando la batalla contra el mundo, y Japon, alla perdido en el Oceano Pacifico, mero conjunto de islas con gente de costumbres extranas, que poco y nada contribuyeron a la guerra verdadera - la de Europa.
Aca se ve a un patetico Hitler, abandonando a sus oficiales de siempre, y poniendo en cambio a otro grupo que no va a tener ninguna significancia, a dias de caer el Reich. Sobre todo, poner al flaco, esmirriado, chico, lamentoso cojo de Goebbels como la gran cosa, es haber perdido el rumbo totalmente. Sobre todo, cuando ese demonio mato a sus hijos , hermosos hijos, simplemente porque se le ocurrio que era lo heroico que debia hacer. En vez de heroico, es un asesinato brutal, inhumano, y sin sentido. Si el queria matarse, que lo hiciera; a nadie ya le hacia falta .
Tambien Hitler parece no entender que un cambio de mandos es porque se pretende continuar con la politica existente, con la guerra, pero ya la guerra habia sido perdida, y era irrelevante quien iba a firmar la derrota.
Esta es la proclama del Fuhrer:
"More than thirty years have passed since 1914 when I made my modest> contribution as a volunteer in the First World War, which was forced> upon the Reich.>> In these three decades love and loyalty to my people have guided all> my thoughts, actions and my life. They gave me the strength to make> the most difficult decisions ever to confront mortal man. In these> three decades I have spent my strength and my health.>> It is untrue that I or anyone else in Germany wanted war in 1939. It> was wanted and provoked solely by international statesmen either of> Jewish origin or working for Jewish interests. I have made too many> offers for the limitation and control of armaments, which posterity>
"Mas de treinta annos han pasado desde 1914 cuando yo hice mi modesta contribucion como voluntario en la I Guerra Mundial, la cual fue forzada al Reich. En estas tres decadas el amor y la lealtad hacia mi pueblo ha guiado todos mis pensamientos, actos y mi vida. Me dieron la fuerza para tomar las mas dificiles decisiones que pueda tener que hacer el hombre mortal. En estas 3 decadas he gastado mis fuerzas y mi salud. Es mentira que yo o cualquier otro en Alemania queria la guerra en 1939.. Fue deseada y provocada solamente por los estadistas internacionales de origen Judio o trabajando para los intereses judios. He hecho muchos ofrecimientos para la limitacion y control de armamentos, que la posteridad
will not be cowardly enough always to disregard, for responsibility> for the outbreak of this war to be placed on me. Nor have I ever> wished that, after the appalling First World War, there would ever be> a second against either England or America. Centuries will go by, but> from the ruins of our towns and monuments the hatred of those> ultimately responsible will always grow anew against the people whom> we have to thank for all this: international Jewry and its henchmen.>> Only three days before the outbreak of the German-Polish war I> proposed a solution of the German-Polish problem to the British> Ambassador in Berlin - international control as in the case of the> Saar. This offer, too, cannot be lied away. It was only rejected> because the ruling clique in England wanted war,
no sera tan cobarde como para descartar, para que la responsabilidad del inicio de esta guerra sea puesto sobre mi. Nunca desee que despues de la apabullante primera guerra mundial, hubiera otra segunda contra Inglaterra o America. Pasaran los siglos , pero de las ruinas de pueblos y monumentos el odio de aquellos que son en fin los menos responsables crecera renovado contra la gente a la cual debemos agradecer todo esto: la Juderia internacional y sus verdugos.Solo tres dias antes del inicio de la guerra alemana- polaca , yo propuse una solucion al problema Aleman- Polaco al embajador britanico en Berlin- control internacional como en el caso del Saar. Esta oferta, tambien, no puede ser desmentida. Fue rechazada solo porque la clase gobernante de Inglaterra queria la guerra,
partly for commercial> reasons and partly because it was influenced by the propaganda put out> by international Jewry.>> I have left no one in doubt that if the people of Europe are once more> treated as mere blocks of shares in the hands of these international> money and finance conspirators, then the sole responsibility for the> massacre must be borne by the true culprits: the Jews. Nor have I left> anyone in doubt that this time millions of European children of Aryan> descent will starve to death, millions of men will die in battle, and> hundreds of thousands of women and children will be burned or bombed> to death in our cities without the true culprits being held to> account, albeit more humanely.>> After six years of war which, despite all setbacks, will one day go> down in history as the most glorious and heroic manifestation of the> struggle for existence of a nation, I cannot abandon the city which is> the capital of this Reich. Since our forces are too meager to> withstand the enemy's attack and since our resistance is being debased> by creatures who are as blind as they are lacking in character, I wish> to share my fate with that
parte por razones comerciales y parte porque estaban influenciados por la propaganda entregada por la juderia internacional. He dejado sin dudas de que si la gente de Europa es nuevamente tratada como paquetes de acciones de estos conspiradores internacionales del dinero y las finanzas, entonces toda la responsabilidad por la masacre debe ser encarada por los verdaderos culpables: los Judios.
No he dejado a nadie con las dudas de que esta vez millones de ninos europeos de descendencia Aria se moriran de hambre, millones de hombres moriran en combate, y cientos de miles de mujeres y ninos seran quemados y bombardeados hasta la muerte en nuestras ciudades sin que los verdaderos culpables sean llevados a dar cuenta, aunque sea mas humanamente. Despues de seis annos de guerra en que , a pesar de todos los contratiempos, un dia se vera en la Historia como la mas heroica y gloriosa manifestacion de la lucha por la existencia de una nacion , y no puedo abandonar la ciudad que es la capital de este Reino (Reich). Ya que nuestras fuerzas son demasiado escasas para soportar el ataque enemigo y ya que nuestra resistencia esta siendo rebasada por creaturas que estan tan como ciegas y carentes de caracter, deseo compartir mi destino con esos
which millions of others have also taken> upon themselves by remaining in this city. Further, I shall not fall> into the hands of the enemy who requires a new spectacle, presented by> the Jews, for the diversion of the hysterical masses.>> I have therefore decided to stay in Berlin and there to choose death> voluntarily when I determine that the position of the Fuhrer and the> Chancellery itself can no longer be maintained. I die with a joyful> heart in the knowledge of the immeasurable deeds and achievements of> our peasants and workers and of a contribution unique in the history> of our youth which bears my name.>> That I am deeply grateful to them all is as self-evident as is my wish> that they do not abandon the struggle but that, no matter where, they> continue to fight the enemies of the Fatherland, faithful to the> ideals of the great Clausewitz. Through the sacrifices of our soldiers> and my own fellowship with them unto death, a seed has been sown in> German history that will one day grow to usher in the glorious rebirth> of the National Socialist movement in a truly united nation.>> Many of our bravest men and women have sworn to bind their lives to> mine to the end. I have begged, and finally ordered, them not to do so> but to play their part in
de los cuales otros millones han tomado sobre si mismos permanecer en esta ciudad. Ademas, no caere en las manos de los enemigos que requieren un nuevo espectaculo, presentado por los Judios, para la diversion de las masas histericas. He por tanto decidido permanecer en Berlin y alli elegir la muerte voluntariamente cuando yo determine que la posicion del Lider *Fuhrer) y de la Cancilleria no pueda ser mantenida mas. Muero con un corazon jubiloso con el conocimiento delos desmensurados logros y realizaciones de nuestros campesinos y trabajadores y de la contribucion unica en la historia de nuestra juventud que lleva mi nombre . De que estoy profundamente agradecido a todos ellos es manifiesto y tal como es mi deseo de que ellos no abandonen la lucha pero que, no importando adonde, ellos continuen luchando contra los enemigos de la madre patria, fieles a los ideales del gran Clausewitz. A traves del sacrificio de nuestros soldados y de mis propios conciudadanos con ellos hasta la muerte, una semilla ha sido plantada en la historia Alemana que un dia crecera para acomodar en el glorioso renacimiento del movimiento Nacional Socialista en una nacion verdaderamente unida. Muchos de nuestros hombres valerosos y tambien mujeres ,han jurado unir sus vidas a la mia hasta el final. He rogado, y finalmente ordenado, que no lo hagan, pero que en cambio jueguen su parte en
the further struggle of the nation. I ask> the leaders of the Army, the Navy and the Air Force to strengthen the> National Socialist spirit of resistance of our soldiers by all> possible means, with special emphasis on the fact that I myself, as> the founder and creator of this movement, prefer death to cowardly> resignation or even to capitulation.>> May it become a point of honor of future German army officers, as it> is already in our Navy, that the surrender of a district or town is> out of the question and that, above everything else, the commanders> must set a shining example of faithful devotion to duty unto death.>> Before my death, I expel former Reichs-Marshal Hermann Goring from the> party and withdraw from him all the rights that were conferred upon> him by the decree of 29 June, 1941 and by my Reichstag statement of 1> September, 1939. In his place I appoint Admiral Donitz as President of> the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces.>> Before my death, I expel the former Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and the> Minister of the Interior Heinrich Himmler from the party and from all> his state officers. In his place I appoint Gauleiter Karl Hanke as> Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police, and Gauleiter> Paul Giesler
el siguiente forcejeo de la nacion. Pido a los lideres de la Armada, la Marina y la Fuerza Aerea que refuercen el espiritu nacional socialista de resistencia en nuestros soldados por todos los medios posibles, con especial enfasis en el hecho de que yo mismo, como fundador y creador de este movimiento, prefiero la muerte a la resignacion cobarde o aun a la capitulacion. Que sea punto de honor de los futuros oficiales de la Armada Alemana, como lo es ya en nuestra Marina, de que rendir un distrito o una ciudad esta fuera de cuestion y de que, sobre toda cosa, los comandantes deben dar un brillante ejemplo de devocion leal al deber hasta la muerte. Antes de mi muerte, expulso al Mariscal del Gobierno Hermann Goring del partido y le retiro todos sus derechos que le habia conferido por decreto del 29 de junio 1941 y de mi declaracion del Parlamento del 1 Set. 1939 . En su lugar pongo al Almirante Donitz como Presidente del Gobierno y Supremo Comandante de las Fuerzas Armadas. Antes de mi muerte, expulso al antes lider del gobierno de la S.S. y al ministro del Interior Heinrich Himmler del partido y de todas sus atribuciones estatales. En su lugar nombro al Gauleitier Karl Hanke como lider del gobierno de la SS. y Cabeza (Jefe) de la policia Alemana y el Gauleitier Paul Giesler
as Minister of the Interior.>> Apart altogether from their disloyalty to me, Goring and Himmler
como ministro del Interior. Aparte de toda su deslealtad hacia mi, Goring y Himmler han traido irreparable verguenza a toda la nacion al negociar en secreto con el enemigo sin mi consentimiento y contra mi voluntad, y tambien intentar ilegalmente tomar el control del EStado.
En orden a proveer al pueblo Aleman con un gobierno de personas honorables quienes cumpliran
have> brought irreparable shame on the whole nation by secretly negotiating> with my enemy without my knowledge and against my will, and also by> attempting illegally to seize control of the State.>> In order to provide the German people with a government of honorable> men who will fulfill
the task of continuing the war will all the means> at their disposal, I, as Fuhrer of the nation, appoint the following> members of the new cabinet:>> President of the Reich: Donitz> Chancellor of the Reich: Dr Goebbels> Party Minister: Bormann> Foreign Minister: Seyss-Inquart> Minister of the Interior: Gauleiter Giesler> Minister of War: Donitz> Supreme Commander of the Army: Schorner> Supreme Commander of the Navy: Donitz> Supreme Commander of the Air Force: Greim> Reichsfuhrer of the S.S. and Head of the German Police: Gauleiter> Hanke> Trade: Funk> Agriculture: Backe> Justice: Thierack> Culture: Dr Scheel> Propaganda: Dr Naumann> Finance: Schwerin-Crossigk> Labor: Dr Hupfauer> Munitions: Saur> Leader of the German Labor Front and Minister without Portfolio: Dr> Ley.>>
la tarea de continuar la guerra con todos los medios a su disposicion, Yo, como Lider de la nacion, nombro a los siguientes miembros del nuevo Gabinete: Presidente del Gobierno : Donitz, Canciller del Gobierno: Dr. Goebbels, MInistro del Partido : Bormann; MInistro de Relaciones EXteriores: Seyss-Inquart; Ministro del Interior : Gauleitier Giesler; Ministro de la Guerra : Donitz; Supremo Comandante de la Fuerza Aerea: Greim; Lider de Gobierno de las S.S. y Jefe de la policia alemana: Gauleitier Hanke; Finanzas: Schwerin-crossigk; Trabajo: Dr. Hupfauer; Municiones: Saur; Liderl del frente laboral aleman y ministro sin portafolio: Dr. Ley.
Although a number of these men, including Martin Bormann, Dr Goebbels> and others together with their wives have joined me of their own free> will, not wishing to leave the capital under any circumstances and> prepared to die with me, I implore them to grant my request that they> place the welfare of the nation above their own feelings.
Aunque un numero de estos hombres, incluidos Martin Bormann y el Dr. Goebbels, y otros junto con sus esposas se me han unido de su propia voluntad, no deseando irse de la ciudad bajo ninguna circunstancia, y preparados a morir conmigo, les imploro que acepten mi peticion de que ellos antepongan el bien de la nacion antes de que sus propios sentimientos.
By their> work and loyal companionship they will remain as close to me after my> death as I hope my spirit will continue to dwell among them and> accompany them always. Let them be severe but never unjust and let> them never, above all, allow fear to preside over their actions,> placing the honor of the nation above everything that exists on earth.>
Por su trabajo y companerismo leal ellos permaneceran cerca mio despues de mi muerte y espero que mi espiritu continue habitando entre ellos y acompanandoles siempre. Que sean severos pero nunca injustos y que nunca, sobre todo, permitan que el miedo presida sus acciones, colocando el honor de la nacion sobre todo lo que existe en la Tierra.
May they, finally, always remember that our task, the consolidation of> a National Socialist state, represents the work of centuries to come,> so that every individual must subordinate his own interest to the> common good. I ask of all Germans, of all National Socialists, men and> women and all soldiers of the Wehrmacht, that they remain faithful and> obedient unto death to the new government and its President.>> Above all, I enjoin the government and the people to uphold the race> laws to the limit and to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all> nations, international Jewry.>> Berlin, 29 April, 1945, 4 a.m.>> Adolf Hitler">> Witnesses:> Dr Joseph Goebbels Wilhelm Burgdorf> Martin Bormann Hans Krebs Christ.
Que ellos, finalmente, siempre recuerden que nuestra labor, la consolidacion del estado Nacional Socialista, represente el trabajo de los siglos por venir, de que cada individuo debe subordinar sus propios intereses en aras del bien comun. Pido a todos los alemanes , de todas las Nacional Socialistas, hombres y mujeres y a todos los soldados de la Wehrmacht, de que ellos permanezcan fieles y obedientes hasta la muerte al nuevo gobierno y a su Presidente. Sobre todo, encarezco al gobierno y a toda la poblacion a apoyar las leyes de la raza hasta el limite y a resistir sin piedad el venendo de todas las naciones, los juderia internacional.
Berlin, 29 abril 1945, 04:00 horas.
Adolfo Hitler. Testigos: Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Wilhelm Burgdorf, Martin Borman, Hans Krebs Christ.
6.- Los fans de Clark Carrados..........por Maria Pia.
Los fans de Clark Carrados se esparcieron desde Espana hasta Chile, girando por Argentina; escribia novelas de bolsillo, en las cuales el heroe podia ser un robot, un dilettante, un Conde o un aventurero; las damas eran siempre bellas y astutas, y las habian enigmaticas y rencorosas; todo se salpimentaba con unos monstruos provenientes directamente de las pesadillas de Clark Carrados, tras comer unos porotos fritos con carne de chancho , ensaladas varias y varios tragos de vino...
Bien, he aqui lo que dicen ahora sus fans, una vez muerto el heroe:
Helios 19/02/06 7:23
Hola. A Clark Carrados le conoci una tarde, en que un amigo me presento una novelita de tamaño pequeño, y la lei presintiendo que seria sonsa, pero me halle con un mundo relumbrante , en donde el hombre ya habia entrado a su madurez espacial, y se hallaba como uno mas entre enormes civilizaciones que a la terrestre miraba como pequeña y distante. Asi fue como devore casi todos los titulos de este autor, al cual le escribi varias veces, pensando en que me responderia algun dia, cosa que no ocurrio.
Esa coleccion de novelitas la tengo aun, y la he acarreado no solo de lugares sino que de tiempos, pues desde los años 50 que comence, y ahora vamos en los 2006, todavia esta alli, con sus mundos relumbrantes, sus mujeres poderosas y hermosas, sus heroes afortunados, su robot KABE tan inteligente y humano. Recuerdo aun algo que dijo CArrados, sobre Law Space, sobre robots, y es que no habia que mirar a estos servidores del hombre como amenazas terrorificas, sino que como humildes ayudantes que muchas veces llegarian a ser mas humanos que los humanos.
Luis Garcia Lecha, 2005 ... pensar que los grandes genios de la Ciencia Ficcion tambien se mueren !
Y nos dejan sus legados, los cuentos... pero , por supuesto, saber que ya murio, causa un gran dolor en el corazon.
por José Carlos Canalda y Carlos Quintana Francia
Hermes 3/12/04 21:06
Buen trabajo.
En tiempos fue mi predilecto sabiendo su nombre real gracias a un amigo - dibujante de Bruguera - quien afirmó que su hermana era asesora literaria en RNE en Barcelona.
Como ya estoy senil tan sólo recuerdo una de sus novelas "El negro espacio silencioso". Trataba sobre un poeta famoso "Ernie Heavidside" que se desplazaba a un planeta remoto para investigar cierta trama estelar. En realidad sustituido por su hermano gemelo, espia de pro.
...y cuando de nuestra vieja Tierra nos hastiamos
volvemos con paso cadencioso
al negro espacio silencioso. (sic)
Jesús 11/02/05 20:34
Tengo 34 años y, de niño y adolescente, me inicié en la lectura con novelas de Clark Carrados y otros tantos, sobre todo con las de terror. Creo que no se ha hecho "justicia" con estos escritores españoles que colmaban los quioscos. Es como si tuvieran que permanecer escondidos, no sé, da esa sensación.
Helios 19/02/06 7:23
Hola. A Clark Carrados le conoci una tarde, en que un amigo me presento una novelita de tamaño pequeño, y la lei presintiendo que seria sonsa, pero me halle con un mundo relumbrante , en donde el hombre ya habia entrado a su madurez espacial, y se hallaba como uno mas entre enormes civilizaciones que a la terrestre miraba como pequeña y distante. Asi fue como devore casi todos los titulos de este autor, al cual le escribi varias veces, pensando en que me responderia algun dia, cosa que no ocurrio.
Esa coleccion de novelitas la tengo aun, y la he acarreado no solo de lugares sino que de tiempos, pues desde los años 50 que comence, y ahora vamos en los 2006, todavia esta alli, con sus mundos relumbrantes, sus mujeres poderosas y hermosas, sus heroes afortunados, su robot KABE tan inteligente y humano. Recuerdo aun algo que dijo CArrados, sobre Law Space, sobre robots, y es que no habia que mirar a estos servidores del hombre como amenazas terrorificas, sino que como humildes ayudantes que muchas veces llegarian a ser mas humanos que los humanos.
quinlan 26/12/06 18:36
Creo que vuestro artículo es muy completo, y gracias a ello he podido saber algo más de Luís García Lecha, uno de mis autores preferidos de novelas populares. Si os fijáis, vereís que muchas de las definiciones que voy a proponer en la lista del Glosario se refieren a artilugios que aparecen en sus novelas.
Este autor, como muchos otros de lo que conocimos como "novelas de a duro", ha sido injustamente menospreciado por los adalides de eso que llaman "literatura seria". Es cierto que sus novelas no eran nada del otro mundo, pero conseguían plenamente alcanzar el fin para el que habían sido escritas, que no era otro que el de entretener. He leído obras de autores de renombre que, salvo por el hecho de estar impecablemente redactadas, son auténticos peñazos. Y no puedo evitar preguntarme qué habría ocurrido si García Lecha hubiera decidido dar el salto a la literatura de más empaque.
patricia 23/07/07 23:04
hola soy patricia,la nieta de luis garcia lecha.estoy impresionada de lo q provoco mi abuelo en vosotros,y ahora que hace 2 años se murio,estoy descrubiendo sus haceres,y me encanta.decirle a helios que seguramente le hubiera encantado conocerte,pero la vida no quiso..en fin aqui estoy para al menos,responder todas tus preguntas acerca de su vida muy sencilla,pero rica en bromas y en humor hasta el ultimo dia,en el hospital,preguntaba si habia ganado el barsa..un personaje desde luego que voy ahora conociendolo mejor al preguntarle a mi abuela por su vida.El otro dia me entere que sacaba todas las notas matriculas de honor,y que en la universidad no lo cogian por ser demasiado joven!!!mi abuela la mujer mas bonita de este mundo,esta sola y lo llora 50 años juntos!!pero es un ejemplo como es de positiva y de joven de espiritu,hace su yoga desde hace 30 años y de vez en cuando su vinito y su cigarrito,como a mi abuelo..hasta el ultimo dia.volvere.patricia.
Carlos Barbarito 30/11/07 20:51
6.- Noticias del mundo actual.........Por Abulia Gomez.
Washington (EFE).- Científicos han sintetizado el genoma de la bacteria Mycoplasma genitalium, en lo que consideran el primer paso hacia la creación de microorganismos capaces de producir biocombustibles y ayudar a limpiar el ambiente. Los trabajos para conseguir ese genoma sintético se realizaron en los laboratorios del Instituto Craig Venter, en Rockville (Maryland), según un informe publicado por la revista "Science".
25/01-02:17 | Ecuador: Multitudinaria marcha de la opo al Gobierno de Correa
Quito (EFE).- Una multitudinaria marcha, organizada por el alcalde de Guayaquil, Jaime Nebot, cabeza visible de la oposición en Ecuador, se realizó en rechazo al Gobierno de Rafael Correa. Miles de guayaquileños, la mayoría de ellos vestidos de blanco y portando banderas de la ciudad, se congregaron en una avenida céntrica para "defenderla" de las acciones del Gobierno.
25/01-00:08 | China: Mueren trabajadores que dormían en fábrica textil que se incendió
Pekín (EFE).- Un cototo incendio que consumió una fábrica textil, acabó con la vida de seis mujeres y un hombre que dormían en el último piso, informó hoy la agencia oficial Xinhua. El incendio se produjo por causas que aún se desconocen en una fábrica de cinco pisos situada en la provincia de Cantón. Bomberos actuó velozmente y lograron rescatar a 4 personas.
24/01-22:59 | Insulza presta ropero entero al gobierno de Morales
La Paz (EFE).- El secretario general de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA), José Miguel Insulza, le prestó ropa al gobierno de Evo Morales. Además, el secre de la OEA le dio todo su respaldo al proyecto constitucional que Evo lleva a cabo, del que dijo "no vulnera ningún precepto democrático esencial". Sobre el tema marítimo entre Chile y Bolivia, Insulza se mostró "partidario" de que ambos países encuentren "el entendimiento" y resuelvan sus problemas "pendientes", ya que "eso es lo que quiere la comunidad de las Américas".
24/01-22:19 | Evo Morales cambió a cuatro ministros para impulsar economía
La Paz (EFE).- Evo Morales, cambió en el inicio de su tercer año de Gobierno, a cuatro de los 16 ministros de su gabinete con el objetivo de avanzar en el crecimiento económico y productivo del país. Sus nuevos "fichajes", con perfil técnico, son en la áreas económicas: Planificación del Desarrollo; Producción y Microempresa; Servicios, Obras Públicas y Vivienda, y una social (Salud y Deportes).
24/01-21:39 | Castro pensó que en "el final" cuando cayó enfermo
La Habana (EFE).- Fidel Castro volvió a dar signos de vida a través de una "reflexión" dada a conocer hoy por los medios de prensa. El líder de la revolución cubana contó que cuando cayó enfermo el 26 de julio de 2006, pensó que era "el final". "Cuando enfermé gravemente, la noche del 26 y la madrugada del 27 de julio, pensé que sería el final", dice Castro en un artículo titulado "Lula", en el que se refiere a la visita que le hizo el presidente de Brasil, hace 9 días.
Van a tener que seguirle esperando en el Infierno...
24/01-20:50 | Cafatero dijo de corrido 150.000 dígitos del número "Pi"
Madrid (EFE).- El colombiano Jaime García, más conocido como la "computadora humana" batió otro récord mundial al lograr decir de memoria más de 150.000 decimales del número Pi. La gracia se la mandó frente a los alumnos de la Facultad de Matemáticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Por si no se acuerda, el número Pi, que todos conocemos como 3,1416, puede llegar a superar las 150.000 cifras y lo singular es que haya alguien capaz de calcular sobre la marcha todos esos decimales.
24/01-20:30 | Rockero Lenny Kravitz con la dieta del caballo hasta encontrar esposa
Washington (EFE).- El cantante gringo Lenny Kravitz, soltó la papa y aseguró que hace tres años que no grita "viva Chile" ni "ayoooo silver". El rockero juró de guata a la revista Maxim que por estos días le hace al celibato, o sea, no tiene sexo, hasta que encuentre una esposa. "El momento en el que estoy en mi vida las mujeres tienen que tener para mi algo más que un cuerpo bonito, tienen que tener cabeza y espíritu", explicó. Kravitz, se casó en 1991, pero se separó cuatro años más tarde.
24/01-19:30 | Treinta y cuatro jóvenes chilenos visitan Asturias
Chile- España (Agencias).- Treinta y cuatro jóvenes chilenos, descendientes de emigrantes españoles, le dieron de regalo al presi del Principado de Asturias, Vicente Álvarez Areces, espuelas de plata con una bandera chilena, luego de que lo visitaran en el Palacio Conde de Toreno. A cambio, recibieron bolsas de discos de música asturiana, aparatos reproductores y una insignia con la cruz de la Victoria. Ahora los cabros se alistan para recorrer las calles de la región y "empaparse" de Asturias.
24/01-18:47 | Morales, Lula y Chávez organizan chachareo alternativo en Lima
Lima (Agencia). Los presidente de Bolivia, Brasil y Venezuela participarán en la Cumbre Social de los Pueblos 2008, que se celebrará en Lima en paralelo a la V Cumbre de América Latina, el Caribe y la Unión Europea, confirmaron hoy los organizadores. El foro alternativo, coordinado por la Red Birregional América Latina y el CaribeEuropa, discurrirá entre los días 12 y 15 de mayo y sus organizadores aspiran a que sea un espacio para "construir propuestas alternativas de integración", explicó el representante de la Coordinadora Andina de Organizaciones Indígenas, Miguel Palacín. Los organizadores confirmaron que a la cita alternativa asistirán los presidentes de Bolivia, Evo Morales; Brasil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, y Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, así como el Premio Nobel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, y Nora Cortiñas, representante de la línea fundadora de Madres de Plaza de Mayo.
24/01-16:15 | Bill Gates pitea por un capitalismo "creativo"
Suiza (Agencias). El fundador de la compañía de software Microsoft, Bill Gates, instó a los líderes económicos y empresariales congregados en la reunión anual del Foro Económico Mundial a iniciar un nuevo acercamiento al capitalismo "creativo" en el siglo XXI. "La comunidad empresarial internacional puede trabajar activamente en colaboración con los gobiernos y organizaciones para impulsar la innovación tecnológica y reducir las desigualdades", verseó el multimillonario empresario. Al respecto, Gates agregó que algunos ejecutivos de empresas ya han creado nuevos mercados y han proporcionado un acceso más amplio a los que ya existen, aportando al nacimiento de un nuevo capitalismo.
Lo malo es que cobra caro , y eso que no sabe que hacer con tanto dinero.
24/01-15:29 | Flaite che quería chorear MP3 con mensaje de texto
Buenos Aires (Agencias).- Con un mensaje de texto cargado en su propio celular, un malacate argentino trató de quitarle un reproductor MP3 a una jmujer con la que compartía el vagón de un tren. "Dame el MP3 o te lastimo", decía el teléfono móvil del chorizo, que al mismo tiempo acercaba un cototo "elemento punzante" a la muchacha. En Pibelandia han tomado la decisión de enjuiciar al amigo de lo ajeno, ya que el mensajito que utilizó sería prueba suficiente para mandarlo a la capacha.
24/01-14:34 | Colegio galénico podría interponer recurso de protección contra Hospital del Salvador
Santiago (Agencias).- Terrible de asustaos' deben andar los pacientes, trabajadores y galenos del Hospital del Salvador después de que al menos cinco docs terminaran infectados con la bacteria borrelia como resultado de las mordeduras de garrapatas de ratón que sufrieron en el recinto. Respecto a esta situación, que podría ocasionar problemas neurologicos a los afectados, el presi del Colegio Médico, Juan Luis Castro, anunció que su entidad evalúa interponer un recurso de protección a favor de los funcionarios y los pacientes que se atienden en dicho establecimiento.
24/01-13:53 | Juanes sigue punteando en lista Billboard
EE.UU (Agencias).- El colombiano Juanes sigue ocupando esta semana el primer lugar en la lista de Hot Latin Songs de Billboard con el tema "Me enamora", de su álbum "La vida es un ratico". La segunda posición le pertenece al grupo mexicano KPaz de la Sierra, que escaló tres posiciones con el tema "Un buen perdedor". En tanto, La Arolladora Banda el Limón sigue en el tercero con "Sobre mis pies", mientras que Vicente Fernández conserva el cuarto con "Estos celos". Un nuevo valor musical que cobra más fuerza cada día, Flex, subió de la octava posición a la quinta con "Te quiero". Más abajo en la lista, aparece Juanes nuevamente, esta vez con el tema "Gotas de agua dulce". Este tema ahora ocupa la posición número once, subiendo cinco posiciones desde la semana pasada.
24/01-12:55 | Chilenos se asustan menos que antes con los flaites
SANTIAGO (Agencias).- La gente cada vez anda menos asustá por las calles de Chilito. De acuerdo a una medición realizada por el Instituto Libertad y Desarrollo, seis de cada diez personas teme ser víctima del flagelo de la delincuencia. Pese a lo categórico de los resultados, el estudio concluyó que las personas ya no le temen tanto a los flaites como antes, pues en comparación a otro análisis que la entidad hizo en octubre del año pasado, el porcentaje de los encuestados que se asusta con los choreos, bajó.
24/01-12:15 | En riesgo vital está el hombre que mató a tiros a su esposa y retoño
Santiago (Agencias).- Entre la vida y la muerte, en el Hospital Barros Luco, se encuentra Julio Norambuena (43), el sujeto que se disparó en la cabeza luego de matar a tunazos a su esposa e hijo, en Calera de Tango. Según las primeras indagaciones, las mansas cuentas de TV satélital y mastique hicieron que el hombre pelara cables la noche del miércoles. No obstante, lo que detonó la ira del sujeto, fue la amenaza de su cónyugue Victoria Barahona Velásquez (38) de virarse de la casa con sus retoños. Este es el cuarto caso de femicidio en lo que va del año.
24/01-11:49 | Mandan en cana a ex poli de la CNI
Santiago (Agencias).- En las próximas horas será enviado a la peni de Punta Peuco el ex oficial de Carabineros y ex miembro de la Central Nacional de Informaciones (CNI), Iván Quiroz Ruiz, quien fue capturado cerca de las 20:00 horas de anoche cuando los polis lo cacharon manejando una camioneta con vidrios polarizados, en Concepción. El ministro en visita, Mario Carroza, encargado de la investigación del caso Operación Albania, aseguró además que el ex CNI será interrogado antes de mandarlo en cana, pues queda por aclarar la desaparición de cinco miembros del Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR).
24/01-11:17 | Se toman estación de ferocarriles en protesta por instalación de repelente vertedero
Pelequén.- Por la instalación de un repelente vertedero orgánico, unos mil quinientos manifestantes vestidos con pilchas negras se tomaron la estación de ferrocarriles en la comuna de Pelequén, ubicada en la VI región del país. Los protestantes están acompañados por el senador Andrés Chadwick, representante de esa localidad y la alcaldesa de la comuna, Edelmira Silva. Hasta la revuelta llegó un numeroso contingente policial para controlar los desmanes.
23/01-22:59 | Israel mantendrá el bloqueo de Gaza si se mantiene el ataque con cohetes
París (EFE).- Israel mantendrá las restricciones de productos a Gaza si se mantiene el ataque con cohetes contra su territorio, afirmó en París el ministro israelí de Defensa, Ehud Barak. "Mientras haya disparos desde Gaza (...) las restricciones van a continuar", aseguró Barak. El anuncio fue momentos antes de que una decena de tanques del Ejército israelí penetraran a última hora en el norte de la Franja de Gaza. Según fuentes, los tanques se adentraron en el territorio palestino y operan en las inmediaciones de la población de Beit Hanún, pero no se ha informado de choques entre las tropas israelíes y milicianos residentes
January 26th 2008 : Moncton, New Brunswick
Moncton, New Brunswick Disc Shaped UFO
Date: January 26, 2008
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location of Sighting: Daylight and about 5 thousand feet, Moncton, New Brunswick.
Number of witnesses: 3
Number of objects: 1
Shape of objects: Disc shaped with an object above possible attached to it.
Full Description of event/sighting: I was going to the store to buy a few things and glanced into the sky to see a flock of seagulls passing over head as they commonly do when the tide is low or whenever there's an abundance of food available, when, through the flock and remaining stationary was this disc with what seemed to have something sticking out above it or at least the appearance of something solid. It moved very slowly, so as I walked and without noticing where I was going bumped into 3 girls between roughly the ages of 16-18 and one girl said " look a bird that's stuck, it can't flap it's wings". I apologized for bumping into her and continued to look up at the object. One of the girls muttered, "hey, wouldn't a bird fall?" I turned toward them and just said wow at first because here I was with other witnesses, and secondly because I've got a daylight sighting here. Now when it comes to physics and aerodynamics I can safely say that I do know what I am seeing when I am seeing it, and this thing just rotated a little and never wavered for about 2 minutes, long after the girls had gone.