Desde Chile para el Mundo.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Blogger and others.

BLOGGER. I find extremely slow and dusty the new method to obtain the entrance to Blogg . Too many waits for this and that, not like in the first time. I don't like it at all. Change it, please !

Make it SIMPLE.


En Chile, el transantiago means the new way to take a bus from your house to the job; well, now you cannot take one bus to your job, if the new designers thought it not good for them; so you take 2 buses and the subway, and instead of 40 minutes you can travel in this new transport for enterily two hours, where you can sleep, be harassed, stay waiting at the street and be ignored for more time wasted in the street. So there are lots of people that just slept on the buses, and waits in state of zombi.

Peru and Humala

Peru fights Chile in the XIX century because Bolivia ask them for help; after the War, Chile stays with a strip of land from both of those nations . Afterwards, they accepted the loss; but the people for ever is remembering those strips of land were theirs ; of course, a) the people from the XIX century is twice dead, so this people learns about the war in school . B) They lost bigger chunks of territory from the hands of Brazil,but they didn't utter a word about that, as Brazil is bigger than both of those nations, and could seat on them any way he wants. So they stay put.

Humala has the idea he could move Peru against Chile and recover the land . Last time they elected a President, Humala was close to win the election; perhaps in the future all his dreams could make true, I mean, a war, but the end result I guess it will be very painful for him, after that hypothetical event , when he ends by looking the Peruvian map on half the size it has now. (Of course, if the American Empire looks the other way ).



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