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Sunday, March 27, 2022


ANNALS OF THE PHILOCOSMIC CLUB 2.- DOCTOR FARTHON´s ADVENTURES. VOLUME 2. WRITTEN BY ALFREDO JUILLET FRASCARA-. FEBRUARY 2019- JULY 2019. Cast of characters: Isaac Asimov, Dr. Farthon Climbor, Robert Heinlein, Robert Silverberg, Clark Carrados, Baron Richedon, Tycoon Zigigel, Hunter James, plus 8 damsels. Also: Sergeant Kocodeutz (and 5 soldiers). King Dugobol II of Rubri Nation. The Izini- enemies of Rubri Nation. Chapters. 1.- Robert Heinlein. 2.- Vernedonia planet 3.- The Call. 5.- In Earth planet . Year 2119-. Chapter 1.- Robert Heinlein. Robert Heinlein said:” Juillet have merits. He have lots of written tales an very few people reading it.” Robert Silverberg raised an eyebrow and said:” We have all been walking by that dark corridor in time. Certainly we evolve! We keep on working and finally we were accepted as writers!! But we must ask why he don´t.” Robert Heinlein asked:” And what it’s the difference between him and us?” “Because that writer was born and lives in Chile. A small backwards country, and also a Latin nation. Two deadly facts for a Science fiction writer. In there is no market and a risk for any Editor. Novel writers of Science Fiction there, are the smallpox! So, Editors stick to known classical or already famous works. An editor publish “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe, and the new generations buys it as they have always heard about that forlorn castaway and his protégé Viernes. Take another example: “The Iliad” by Omer, or the Odyssey “ … “Rise and Fall of the Occident” it´s a good bait too! Not to mention “Around the Moon” by Jules Verne.” The friends went to the terrace and they meet Mr. Clark Carrados, who was looking at the Heavens through a telescope. Robert Silverberg asked him”: What are you looking up, dear fellow?” 3. “To planet Mars. I have seen some flashes of light near its orbit.”- Clark replied. “Oh, yes? Let me see!”- Robert Silverberg asked, and he also saw some tiny point of light over the red planet. “And what are they?” Robert Heinlein asked, very interested . Not of this Earth! Can’t be spaceships! I guess they are asteroids or meteors captured by the gravitational pull of that planet.” Carrados said, only that in his inner self he was wishing it really could be ships of some kind. Isaac Asimov approaches and said:” Looking at the stars?” “Only to planet Mars.”- Carrados replied. “Oh, the red planet! Very interesting! Wish I could visit it! Don´t you?” – Isaac Asimov asked them. “Certainly yes! “- Robert Silverberg replied, adding:”- But nowadays there are no rocket available and I doubt it very much that in the near future could be happening. President Trump is decided to make his country powerful again, and in every aspect.” Asimov smiled and said:”The artifact of Mr. Alfredonius falls on the hands of Doctor Farthon Climbor. Guess he could accept some money to lend us his Dimensional apparatus.” “I don´t think so! It´s very old and the last time I saw it, was looking as a wreck.”- Robert Heinlein informed. “Guess he have a very clever electronic technician . We must not forget that Chilean people are very clever.”- Isaac Asimov said, who has visited that and other south American nations before. “I accept the invitation. Hope we don´t find that acid looking guy: Mark Twain.” Robert Silverberg commented. “I cannot assure you nothing! Dr . Farthon Climbor is a very eccentric kind of person and he could invite whoever he wants.”- Isaac Asimov said. Doctor Farthon Climbor was waiting them at the gate of his warehouse and said:” Welcome! It´s a nice afternoon!” 6. “Too hot for this season.”- Asimov replied. “Guess it´s the global warming, that event that many ones denied! But the facts of life has come to demonstrate the veracity of it.” Dr. Farthon Climbor said, and they went inside the warehouse and in a corner they saw the Dimensional Phaser unit, a veritable relic. Now it was encased in a energy capsule, that makes it looks less decrepit. When activated, it looked like an iridescent egg. “I see you keep it safe and sound.”- Robert Heinlein commented. “Exactly! Too many burglars around this sector of town! They are worst than stray cats on the loose! They steal everything they can carry!”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said, coughing. 7. Robert Heinlein said:”We come here with the hope of to use it and travel, as one you offer me.” “Of course! I am a man of my word!”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said, walking around the Dimensional machine. Soon the Force Field was disconnected and the small group was located inside the capsule. In minutes the Dimensional machine gets them unto another planet, so they could walk out of the capsule and step unto a cellar very badly lit by two candlesticks. “Where are we now?”- Isaac Asimov asked, in mild surprise. “At Baron Richedon´s castle! A good friend of mine, honest and true.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor replied, walking towards a reinforced door. 8. A solitary guard saw them and approaching, he said:” Honest guests, the Baron told me to guide you to the guest´s chamber. Follow me.” “Thanks . So cute of the Baron.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said, following the guard together with the Roberts, Mr. C. Carrados and Doctor Isaac Asimov , who was looking amused. After climbing by the stairs and walking by corridors half lit, they found the Baron at his ample office. “Good day, Baron! Glad to see you again.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said, approaching the big desk the Baron was using. “Oh, what a nice surprise! You here at last! Welcome you all, gentlemen!”- Baron Richedon aid, standing up and embracing the old doctor, but to the rest he only bows his head slightly. He was a tall man in his sixties. 9. The doctor said:” I present you Mr. Robert Silverberg, Mr. Isaac Asimov, Mr. Clark Carrados, and Mr. Robert Heinlein.”-Doctor Farthon Climbor said, and at each name, the mentioned one bowed at the Baron´s impressive presence. “They are famous science fiction writers , and prolific ones.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor commented as an afterthought. “I´m glad to be in the presence of artists! But I assume you must be tired and hungry after your trip, so let´s visit my dining room.”- The Baron said, walking out the door. After a while, they all were seated at a well disposed table. Cooked meat, vegetables of various kinds, a steaming soup, bread, wine at hand´s reach, and precious silverware. Isaac Asimov takes a plate and puts on it generous portions of food and said:” Hope we have here the remains of a noble cow?” The Baron palled and said:” Not a so basic food at my table, sir! It´s Coelophysis meat!” “Oh? So here we have dinosaurs?”- Clark Carrados said, testing a red wine on a silver cup. “Of many kinds, thanks to a certain man named Mundifico. They say he imported all kind of animals and also plants! Even fruit trees. A man to be admired.”- Baron Richedon commented while munching heartedly. “And how this planet is called?”- Isaac Asimov asked, while cutting a large egg with a golden knife; oozing out went a yellow substance. 11. Chapter 2. Vernedonia planet. The baron smiled and said:” Vernedonia planet. A strange name, but as you see, the first six letters tells to whom is referring to! “ They all know about that great writer of the XIX Century: Jules Verne. After lunch, they saw a great penholder´s collection, where masterpieces shines in velvet boxes. “I have Parkers, Sheaffers, Pelican, Cross, Hero, Jinhao, Waterman, DuPont, and other expensive pens.”- The Baron explained and they talked about nibs and inks- as everyone of them have been writing, sometime over their careers, with those instruments… Later, Asimov said:”- Which we could visit the town.” “I have several towns under my control. My administration comprises two towns and roads, fields around my Castle! I will lend you a group of warriors for protection.”- The Baron replied sternly. 12. “Is it necessary?”-Asimov asked, as he was sure the niceties of townsfolk will disappear when looking t the Guards. “I command it! There are burglars and, sorry to mention, discontent on some of the farmers. Nothing to worry about but you would be unprotected if walking around as my special guests and not under my banner.” Baron Richedon said, burping So, they decided to visit places at the next day. That evening they stroll b the terraces of the castle and made comments on the way the Baron maintained the place. 13. All well repaired and in stock! Guards where needed be; the fosse with clear water , the platform in good shape, posts and banners on the pinnacles.”+ Isaac Asimov said. “An nice fortress! “ Doctor Farthon Climbor commented. “As I said. If a noble in entitled to maintain a stretch of land in his power, he must use an iron fist.#- Robert Silverberg said. “I remember that king of France, Louis XVIII.”- Robert Heinlein said, adding: “He put his trust o the people and what did he got? His head on a basket.” Asimov declared, moving his head in sorrow. “Not a happy conversation, anyway!””- Carrados said, looking ahead of them. The landscape was dull grey, as the nigh was very near. He wondered if there was a moon somewhere , orbiting the Vernedonia planet. A guard come and said:”-. Sirs: your alcoves are ready, fire on the fireplaces. Come with me.” They follow him and find that the rooms were decorated with rugs from floor to ceiling. The beds were made of thick wood carved and decorated with gold color. The rooms were all hated by fireplaces, logs ready to be put on the fire, if needed. “Is it all right for you, sirs?”- the same guard asked, after they rummaged around at will. “Yes, but I miss the bathroom. Where it is?”- Doctor Farthon Climbor asked, worried because as his age, the need to be going to the bathroom were urgent and repeated throughout the night. 15. “There are certain buckets to be put on use, Sir. Here!” – The guard said, showing those artifacts in a corner. They were made of tin and very clean looking. “Oh, thanks!” the Doctor said, but still worrying because of the odor it would expel after using them… The guard went away, and they talk about the day after. “We must depart early! I assume we could eat at some tavern. As a Tavern must exists somewhere!”- Robert Heinlein said. “Beer is what base people drinks.” Robert Silverberg said. “Yes! I have seen them all around the world! Millions of beer drinkers! “- Asimov said, with a laugh. 16. “Personally, I think beer could give strength but if in a dire problem, it drains your will.”- Clark Carrados said, who was a wine drinker. Isaac Asimov rubbed his chin, saying:”- The pithiest thing is that now many people turns to the drugs. They evade the normal occurrence of daily life and get themselves into a make-believe kind of existence. Their emotions change, their intention of good will and universal friendship changes and egotism walks in. Greed, hate , animosity against others grows. And it´s a worldwide change!” “But not in here.”- Robert Silverberg said. “By now! But wait until this bucolic landscape falls under the feet of many skyscrapers, warehouses, myriads of cars, trucks , vans appear!”- Asimov commented. “Now I understand the Middle Ages, some powerful organizations realize that science could change the face of society for ever, and they stopped it , through the theory of a future better world after death.” Clark Carrados said. After this conversation , they get into those beds to sleep. The silence was almost complete. Isaac Asimov awakes in the middle of the night and keeps quiet, thinking what was happening , as in previous occasions to awake like this always means something special. Then he heard a tiny noise and decided to investigate the source of that noise. He gets dressed and walked in the half light around the room. He detected the noise as coming from a furniture located at the front of the bed, with his lighter he found a camera blinking, as in failure of some kind. He realize they were being spied upon! 19. With that in mind, he went out the room and peeked on the corridor. No guards in sight, so he walked pass the other rooms where his colleagues were sleeping. He does not intend to cause any alarm, so he keeps walking, and finding another door, he opens it and enter, seeing electronic apparatus buzzing faintly. Some monitors came to life when Isaac gently touches the keyboards, and he saw the five bedrooms mirrored there: his bed was there, without occupant… A guard enters the room and lit the light: as Isaac did not want to cause problems to his companions, he chocked the Guard with is big hands, and the surprised fellow faints without a sound. 20/197.- He tiptoed to his room and went to bed, where he thought about his escapade ,until he gets asleep. At 8.00 hours (as reflected in their wrist watches) they all went to the dining room, where soon they were served with food and beverages. “Nice of the Baron! In here nobody feels the chill of hunger.” Isaac Asimov said, for the servants to hear. “Certainly true! Juices in the morning makes a man happy to begin the day!”- Clark Carrados commented, eating from a watermelon. “Well! Hope we could visit town! Let´s visit the Baron!”- Isaac said, finishing his breakfast. 21. But when walking towards the Baron´s office, a guard come and said to them:” Dear guests! The Baron is currently unavoidable, but he give us orders to accompany you every way you want, without any restriction whatsoever. “So, be it! Let´s depart right away!” Asimov urged the rest and they mount on real horses and with eight guards they crossed the gate, the platform of access to the castle and along a dirt road. From a high window, Baron Richedon saw them and smiled croockedly. 22. When reaching the town, they notice that most of the houses were made with backed clay and tiles on the roof. Only a dozen houses were of bricks and stones. But Isaac was prone to see the products for sell; china and cutlery, pots and pans, and if possible, furniture. The furniture were of rustic wood and much of it finished with thin branches. The pottery was diverse, and Isaac said: “Nice designs! Creation and imagination are not high but almost acceptable.” They drink beer, and Robert Silverberg talked with clients, that small gives- no comments due to the fact – for the townsfolk- he was representing the Baron Richedon… They visit the place where fruits and vegetable were sold. “Look those strange fruits! Let´s take some to our rooms!”- Asimov said, but the chief of the Guards stopped him by saying: “It is not permit to buy here, Sir! Baron Richedon´s order.” And so, they left that city without fruits nor much of what the townsfolk could think of their life. A week they were at the Castle, eating and drinking with the Baron presiding lunches but not dinners. 24. “There are no women in this Castle. Or perhaps they are in hidden.”- Asimov said. “A jealous man? Don´t think so.” Robert Silverberg said. “In town there were women.”- Clark Carrados commented: he had seen several beauties among the older ones. “Wrapped in clothes, yes. Not much to see.”- Robert Heinlein said, smiling. Doctor Farthon Climbor said:” We better leave this place. I saw a malignant glint on the Baron´s eyes.” “Of course.”- Asimov said, sensing a chill of fright. That night they went to the cellar and activating the mechanism, they travel out of planet Vernedonia to Earth. At their return, Dr. Farthon Climbor said:”Enough for now! I am dead tired! If you want, you could sleep here for the night. I have cots enough for you all.” “perhaps we can call for a taxi.”- Asimov proposed, not willing to bother the old man. “You better not! These streets aren´t safe at this hour.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said, looking at the clock, that reads 0:32 hours in its stained yellow dial. With that advice in their ears, they prefer safety against comfort, so after a cup of tea and some stale biscuits, they slept in that silent (but safe) warehouse. Robert Heinlein said:”We get just a tiny glimpse at the Vernedonia planet. And that Baron have electricity hidden on his castle! I wonder how much electronic gadgets he have in his castle..” 26. “He´s clever and maybe our host knows a lot more than we know about him. Perhaps he is his supplier.”- Clark Carrados commented. “Who knows what lurks in the mind of man!”- Robert Heinlein said, remembering the favorite phrase of Frank Sinatra. “Yes, those great landlords always have some dark secret at hand. I wonder what asked of Dr. Farthon Climbor that he run away as a rabbit.”- Robert Silverberg said. Later , they all were asleep, but not the Doctor, who was writing in his Diary about his last trip away from his warehouse. He was putting in black letters.” The Baron Richedon suggested he could put to good use the group of science fiction writers: making them write a faked history of his ancestors so he could go in history as a white dove.” 27.- And that was the main reason why he left that castle in such a hurry: also, he was sure he will never went back there, no matter how many silver coins the Baron Richedon could put in his greedy hands… At the first light of day (visible by some patches of glass windows on the high ceiling) the group dissolved, they thanks Dr. Farthon Climbor for the trip and went to their respective abodes. 28. Chapter 3. THE CALL. Three days later, Isaac Asimov receives a call from Dr. Farthon Climbor , saying: “Come to my place at once! I have called others for a trip.” “Is Heinlein called too?” “Yes, why?” “Just asking. On my way.”- Isaac replied, thinking on how much money it will cost this new trip… if there was a trip! He calls a Uber taxi and soon he was at Dr Farthon Climbor ´s abiding place. “Welcome, Isaac! How are you?” “Fine and curious.” “Good! A trip to hunt with a tycoon! Are you interested?”- Farthon Climbor asked. “Yes, it´s always good to know more in the wild than to try to invent adventures out of thin air!2- Isaac replied, and the Doctor Farthon Climbor laughed, patting his shoulders and adding:”Good! This time all is on the tycoon´s own wallet.” “Nice news!”- - Isaac said, walking into the large room. “Nobody have arrived just yet.” Isaac commented. “yes, you were the last one I called and the first into arrive.”- Dr,. Farthon Climbor said, offering a steaming plate of fish soup. “A sturgeon soup. Do you like it?”- Doctor Farthon Climbor asked, pouring some soup on a plate for himself to enjoy. “It tastes good.”- Isaac said, using a worn out spoon. The ring sounds and Dr. Farthon Climbor opens the gate; three persons enters, laughing heartily. 30. “WHY DO you laugh, friends? “ – Isaac said, looking at Carrados, Silverberg and Heinlein, who were using sport clothes, cucalones and some bags. “Heinlein said that you would be the first of us in to arrive, and seeing you here and also eating, makes us laugh.”- Carrados replied. Doctor Farthon Climbor said:”The tycoon will arrive in an hour. Guess he will also carry some guests and lots of weaponry.” 31. “It´s a hunting trip?”- Heinlein asked. “As I told you, yes. I see you don´t have weapons with you.”- Doctor Farthon Climbor commented. “There are too many obstacles in our country to get a weapon.”- Heinlein said. “Don’t you worry, as the tycoon will certainly carry them for all of us, and more. Your are only to enjoy the ride. No matter you don´t shoot any animal at all.”- Doctor Farthon Climbor assured him. They take seats, and talked while waiting for the millionaire, that arrives one hour later: he was a large , tall man in his forties. “Good day, doctor! Ready to depart?”- The tycoon asked, eyeing the group of writers with a keen look. “Welcome, Mr. Zigigel! Just on the hour.”- Doctor Farthon Climbor said. “I always put my attention on the hour of my appointments! Well! My helpers and guests will arrive half an hour later.”- Mr. Zigigel said, adding:”And do you know why?” “No idea, sir.” “Well! I must tell you some facts without them being present!”- The tycoon said, looking sternly at the writers. “Oh, by the way, dear friends, step out for a moment! I need to hear some instructions here.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said, realizing that the tycoon was willing to speak in private. The writers went out without a word. The Tycoon said:”- Hope your group don´t interfere with our Safari! I detest ambientalists and animal lovers being around in a safari!” “I assure you that they are writers not ascribed to any ambientalist organization whatsoever! Also, they will not interfere: they have no weapons and doesn´t want to hunt but gain experiences for their own future works.”- Doctor Farthon Climbor explained. “Good! Hope so! Now, my team consisted in plain servants and some guides, plus my personal female friends; I don´t want them to make friends with your people because I am a very jealous person.”- Mr. Zigigel said. “They are here only to accompany me and gain some knowledge on how is to hunt.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor said. The millionaire expelled some air and said:”Good! Hope you restrain them on the points I make sufficiently clear.” And Mr. Zigigel sets on a chair and lighted a strong smelling cigar from Cuba. 35. The baggage appears in a Van, and went through the Capsule Inter dimensional thanks to the Controls used by Dr. Farthon Climbor. Then, the Writers , and when the Hunters appears, one of them called James made a fuss out of it. “I will not permit you to send me in pieces somewhere else! I positive will not!”- And that was a real reason for Mr. Zigigel to said:” You were paid and you will get into that damn machine right away!” As the Hunter refuses, Mr. Zigigel make a gesture to one of his Body wards, and soon hunter James went to the floor with jerky movements , due to the fat his body was shocked with electricity. “Carry him to the machine! He will recover … at the Other Side!”- Mr. Zigigel said, spitting on the floor. 36. And it was donned. The dames, in number of eight, went head down into the capsule, and then the Tycoon with the Doctor. “Who will see the machinery when you are out?”- Mr. Zigigel asked. “It´s automatic! All under control, sir. Nothing to worry about.”- Dr. Farthon Climbor assured him. The answer to his assertions was only a grunt from the burly man. When out of the Capsule, they were welcomed by a sweet radiance of the star (or sun) that was a yellowish globe , high on their heads, so proclaimed it was midday in that part of the planet. 37. “Any idea of where are we now, doctor?”_ Mister Zigigel asked mildly but with iron eyes. “only the coordinates, sir. It´s TP 2026. But I assure you that we aren´t in our Universe.”- Doctor Farthon Climbor replied. The group was organizing the teams to work, the Hunters were looking on their weaponry and locking at the landscape. The Writers were looking at trees and plants and the ladies were polishing their nails for the third time in the day… “Hurry, hurry! We must hunt today!”- Mr. Zigigel urged his team; several drones were already in the air, while their commanders looked on the screens. Soon one of them saw something and the Tycoon departs with two of the Hunters in his trail. None of them were James, who was very sick after suffering the electrical shock. 38. “Which kind of animal are we going to find?”- Mr. Zigigel asked, while passing through branches 20 centimeters thick and much vegetation. “Fulengia, sir. A herd of them.”- Hunter Mayol replied, and he was carrying a powerful 40-40 rifle and 2 laser pistol. “Fulengia. Herbivore. Not much of a threat, I suppose.”- Mr. Zigigel commented, slapping an insect that was prone to suck his blood for nourishment. “But difficult to aim. Perhaps in there you will find a threat, sir.”- Hunter Miguelo said, smiled ruefully. Half an hour later, they spotted the first animal and Mr. Zigigel fired his rifle against him: the animal jumps in the air and drops dead. “Congratulations, sir! A nice specimen, male, 30 kilogram in weight.”- Miguelo said, scratching the hide of that unfortunate Fulengia. “Let´s get another one!”- Mr. Zigigel said, walking ahead. Both hunters interchanges a look, thinking the same thing: with that explosion, no remains of Fulengia will be caught.- four hours later, that was self evident for Mr. Zigigel, who seats on a rock and taking some food and water from his backpack, begin to eat. The Hunters did likewise, and the Tycoon said:”- Very well! Those little vermin escapes! But not all is lost: we have one of them to show at camp… ladies loves to see dead animals.” “so they said.”- Hunter Miguelo commented, but without any reason except to maintain the big guy at ease. When walking back, they found the dead Fulengia full of ants, that were rummaging by their nostrils, mouth , ears and also anus. “What a disgusting race of little predators! Clean it, take the head and the limbs to camp!”- Mr. Zigigel ordered. “Sir! Are you not wait for us?”- Hunter Miguelo asked, very worried at the Guild of Hunters detests to put in danger a client… and puts in a black list the hunter who lost a client in the wild.


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